"Armed and Famous"

Grade C celebs become Muncie cops.

I’m watching it.

But I guess you already knew that …

Not nearly as bad as I would have guessed. I almost believe they’re being serious. I may just keep watching future episodes.

I should watch it just to see Eric Estrada being a cop.

Can someone be considered “famous” if I have never heard of them? That applies to at least two of the “celebrities” in this show. (The midget and the wrestling chick.) Also, does being the weird sister of a pedophile count as “famous”?

If she’s the second-best-known of the celebs, I think it does.

I caught part of the show. Did Ms Jackson go to the same plasitc surgeon her brother did? And who would have though Jack Osbourne would be such a good shot? I might catch it by accident but I don’t think I’ll go out of my way for it. Who was the tall blonde woman, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before.

Just the other day I caught a rerun of *The Osbournes * and thought, boy, I’m glad Jack Osbourne’s 15 minutes of fame are over. That kid’s a worthless sack of shit.

And lo, as it turns out, they’re not quite over yet.


I haven’t had the oppurtunity to see the show. I wanted to see what others said of it. I’ll just answer this by saying yes it counts even if you don’t know who they are. I don’t know which wrestling chick is on there but Weeman is certainly famous to a certain degree. He has had a major role in two movies and a TV show. If you never saw Jackass you probably never would have heard of him but that doesn’t mean he is not famous or a celebrity (a minor one of course). Latoya had at least one album of her own, appeared in Playboy, has been on the cover of multiple tabloids. Yes she is famous. You don’t have to deserve it to be famous.

Weeman was also the cohost of a Maximum Exposure type show called 5 4 3 2 1, I think was the name of it,or something along those lines.

The consensus seems to be – not nearly as stupid as we’d all sort of expected – and probably worth watching again, when you remember, though definitely not appointment television.

The only part that was strange to me was when they first got to the academy, the sergeant (or whatever he was) was really on Wee Man’s case for being a Jackass guy. He seemed to think that Wee Man was a “criminal” for participating in stupid pranks and stunts, or wouldn’t take the academy seriously.

I live about 15 minutes from Muncie. I keep hoping I’ll run into this strange but semi-famous group. But alas, no sightings yet…

Apparently you have to smoke crack. Or have a cat.

Or have a cat who smokes crack.

Oooh ooh, or smoke cats who have been stuffed full of crack! :smiley: