Crazy - it’s the newest thing - pull the ring from their backs and you’ll hear the darnedest things!
Tobias - “I smell ol-ives!”
Steve Holt - “Steve Holt!”
Micheal - “Annabell…uh I mean…”
George - “Her?”
Gob - “I just made a huge mistake”
Lindsay - “Michael, it was shoplifting, and I’m white. I think I’m going to be okay.”
Lucille - “Stop playing with mother’s rape horn. Yes, I have a rape horn, Michael, because you took away my mace.”
George Micheal - “Because anything can happen when two people share a cell, 'cos.”
Seeing if I can make this a completely respondless thread like my deathmetal one. XD
I thought this was going to include a link to an actual thing. Disappointed.
And by the way, Gob’s quote needs to be “They’re not tricks, Michael. They’re illusions. Tricks are what whores do for money.” Preferably with The Final Countdown playing in the background.
Yeah I forgot about Franklin (“It ain’t easy being whiiiiite. It ain’t easy being broowwwn. All this pressure to be bright. I got chillin’ all over town”)
If only they actually sold duplicates of him.
Impressive magnet action! Never-nude whole wheat goodness on my fridge - tempting!
Buster: “I never thought I’d miss a hand so much.”
George Sr.: “I am having a love affair with this ice cream sandwich.”
Tobias: “Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over—an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist.”
Lucille: “Look what they’ve done, Michael! Look what the homosexuals have done to me!”
Carl Weathers: “Let me tell you a little story about acting. I was doing this Showtime movie, Hot Ice with Anne Archer, never once touched my per diem. I’d go to Craft Service, get some raw veggies, bacon, Cup-A-Soup…Baby, I got a stew going!”
There also needs to br a Motherboy XXX special edition.