Art Donovan RIP

Over the weekend, Pro Football HOFer and talk show raconteur Art Donovan passed away at age 88.

Donovan played for 12 seasons most of which were with the Baltimore Colts. He was a member of the 1958 Colts who defeated the New York Giants in the NFL Championship Game that’s been dubbed “The Greatest Game Ever Played.”

I wasn’t around when Donovan played so I got to know him from his second career during the 1980s and 90s when he told stories of his playing days with David Letterman and Johnny Carson.

RIP “Fatso”.

I remember the SOB(spoken with fondness). My Washington Redskins always lost to those guys. But I knew them.

I probably knew the Colts names better than all the 'skins, :slight_smile:

Found this thread while searching for posts on the show Ray Donovan, but as a guy born in Baltimore:

RIP Art. He was a local legend.

Hopefully, only the thread is a zombie and not Art…Fatso wants to eat your brains…

I only knew him from his great interviews on NFL films. The guy was hilarious. Was bummed out when the news broke last summer.

I always thought he was a hoot when he showed up on Letterman. Always very engaging, funny in that wacky way, and always kept Letterman going. At some point Vince McMahon thought letting him guest announce at a PPV in Baltimore would be a good idea. Unfortunately, he was mostly confused, lost, and didn’t know any of the wrestlers participating.