Asheron's Call Dopers?

I know this is most likely a stretch. Are there any Asheron’s Call players here on the dope? I just resubbed after about five years and Im finding the game is still really amazing. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on the game. If there are any of you out there.

They recently had the 100th monthly patch with a good bit of content. New playable races (Gear Knight and Shadows) Im so far loving it but am a bit overwhelmed with the large amount of stuff there is to do in game. If only there would be a major graphics upgrade…Well a man can dream.:dubious:

Holy cow. Don’t tempt me. Thirteen years later, I can finally be a Shadow?! /twitch

I played the heck out of this game in 1999-2002. And then fell off the wagon in 2004 I think, for like a month or two. I started only a month after it began. Back in the day, I played as much as people raiding in WoW today. On dial-up.

I eventually had multiple level 90+ characters. I slayed the Hoary Mattekar! I ran Aerlinthe groups every time the timer was up, and could even solo it. Played through the Bael’Zharon affair (though not on the more exciting servers). Played the short-lived AC2 when it came out. Had lots of fun at both games. Wish the second one survived.

I hugely HUGELY regret not having been a part of Darktide from the beginning. In my mind, Darktide was(is?) one of the coolest things that has ever happened in online gaming. I did play there a lot eventually, but only after it was a complete circus relative to the beginning.

That was around the time I really got consistent PC & internet access. I met a lot of fun people. Somehow ended up in a guild of French players even though I speak no French (but luckily the French all knew English).

But dear god, the cheating! the bots! I’m not into subscription/time-sink games any more, but I’m curious … how is the cheating now? Have the managers lifted a finger yet?

Sorry for the delay in replying. I have’nt been playing for long now, maybe 2 weeks. In that time I have seen many Cool things! The bots- There are bots now called buffbots, they fully buff you with 2 hour long spells. It is huge for a noob like myself who can’t fully self buff. Also there are trade bots who act kind of like a merchant that sells really cool things. I have not seen any ucm going on but again I have’nt been in alot of dungeons. There is average of 300 people logged in each server at any time, and as you know, the world is huge! Lastly there are tinker bots who will tinker your gear with powerful upgrades. these are all player controlled so tipping is appreciated.

There are two types of shadow you can play as, unbraen and pan umbraen the umbraen looks just like the umbris shadow. Also the other playable race is the gear knight, I dont know much about them other than the face they are huge! They did upgrade some of the graphics, they make the game look better but not nearly as good as any current mmorpg.
There is now a society quest wich will get you to 50 very quick and also they made a colloseum where you can battle harder and harder bosses as you progress. Another cool thing is the town portal network, it’s a portal in everytown that takes you to a dungeon setting with portals to every town and most major outposts. There is a ton of other stuff I have’nt had a chance to try yet and still there are the monthly content updates.

I am really enjoying being back in AC, you should come check it out. It really is a hell of a game. There is a free trial period you can download the client and everything from the site.
I am on the morningthaw server and holtburg is the city to be in lots of people hang out there. OOOH almost forgot there are a ton of houses and villas available and there is the new marketplace just type @mp and you will be portaled in. Ok wish I was home playing now!

I briefly played AC on a pvp server when it first came out. I found it to be lots of fun. My SO, who I gamed with, found it boring, so we moved on to whatever else was the MMORPG flavor of the month. If it had a free trial, I might go take a look again, though I currently play Warhammer Online for my pvp fix.

As far as I know, there is a free trial period. I believe it is 14 days. Which is just enough see the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. I just started messing around on the Darktide server (pvp)
I’m having a lot of fun. I have had my arse whipped a number of times. The only thing I don’t like is when someone kills you they can loot some of your stuff. There is a way around this by keeping in your pack, a few expensive items. Then again it also adds more depth to the game. Anyway it’s a great game I know you will enjoy it again.:wink:

AC2 was one my favorite experiences ever (not just games, things!)… so much fun, not a whole lot of grind, and it was beautiful and humorous. It oozed “work of love” all over the place.

How does AC1 compare? I tried a trial for a while, but it didn’t really grab my attention because, obviously, everything about it was so outdated… but is it worth a serious try?