Asimovian--A question about the thread closure in the Pit

First, I appreciate the tone of your mod note and the following has no snark whatsoever.

In the Der Trihs Pit Thread, you asked that the discussion be taken here. I’m not doing that–if someone wants to discuss the Der T. suspension, please make a new thread. I’m interested in a tangential issue

Until now, members have been forbidden to discuss mod actions regarding a poster in the Pit, but also unable to discuss poster behavior that prompts mod action in ATMB. This leaves exactly zero forums where you can discuss “Poster X did ABC and rightly/wrongly got warned.” or “Poster X does ABC and doesn’t get warned but Poster Y just got warned for doing ABC”

Is this a change in policy? That we now can discuss poster actions/postings/behavior in ATMB? If so, yay and good for you guys! :slight_smile:

Talking about a suspended poster who cannot defend himself is allowed now?
Not a good thing.

There may have been a lack of clarity about what the policy was. For quite a few years now we’ve allowed discussion of mod actions in ATMB. We also allow discussion of the poster behavior that precipitated a mod action. We do NOT allow insults directed against said poster (or any other poster), nor is this the place for a general discussion of the poster’s views. All comments should be civil. We prefer that comments focus on a specific mod action and not range too far afield. If the discussion starts going off the rails we may attempt to nudge things in a more productive direction; please observe this guidance.

I think Asimovian just misspoke. As Czarcasm says, it probably isn’t a good idea until after the poster in question returns and can defend himself, if he chooses.

I probably shouldn’t have posted to the Pit thread. Sorry.


So according to some in the closed pit thread, this suspension reflects a change in the moderation of the Board. If that is so, I do not look forward to the vanilla-ization of SDMB.

I was referring to the discussion about the mod decision, not the attacks on the poster. Sorry for not making that clear.

[del]You are only saying that because you hate conservatives

Worst mod decision ever!

If you don’t like being a mod just quit.[/del]

That makes sense - thanks.



What he said.

I’m not sure I can make sense of this. Suppose Poster X was sanctioned for “being a jerk”. Can one discuss in ATMB whether or not Poster X was being a jerk? ISTM that this qualifies as both “the poster behavior that precipitated a mod action”, which is allowed, and “insults directed against said poster”, which is not allowed.

What you’re saying can make sense if the discussion is about one specific technical violation of the rules, but this is more common in the case of mod notes and warnings. But suspensions and bannings are generally over a longer term pattern of abusive behaviour, and ISTM that it would be hard to thread the needle in such cases, if possible at all.

We track the warnings we issue, and usually we cite these warnings when imposing a suspension or ban. These are the primary basis for discussion about whether such action was warranted. If you dispute that Poster X deserved a particular warning, you’re free to make that argument. (Our response, if we have one, is likely to be: we saw it differently.) What you can NOT do is make the bald assertion that Poster X is a jerk - that’s an insult and isn’t allowed.

If you think not being allowed to say the kind of things Der Trihs said that got him suspended is a “vanilla-ization” of the board then maybe this board is not your cup of tea.

I’d like to point out that some of the things that Der Trihs argued against would be legally actionable hate speech in some countries. shrug

Not that he (and some other liberals) don’t play fast and loose with the facts sometimes, in discussions here.

I wouldn’t apply to anyone other than Der Trihs–he’s the only one I know of who had the “Free to insult posters” Golden Ticket. I’ve never seen any other poster who’s gotten anything like that from the mods. It has nothing to do with “liberal” or “conservative”, it has to do with Der T. having a magic rule exemption just for him.

I mean, there’s speculation that this poster or that poster gets special treatment, but outside of Der T.* nobody’s had a mod outright state on multiple occasions that they have a special pass to insult people by proxy. In the ~15 years I’ve been here, only Der T. and maybe Aldebaran got the actual, in writing, free pass*. Even Collunsbury, who contributed more quality stuff than Der T. and Aldebaran combined was warned, banned, allowed to return and rebanned. For being inappropriately snarky as hell. But since he didn’t have the Der T. Free Pass, he didn’t get to stay. And many of his infractions were similar to (but funnier/wittier than) Der Trihs’s.
*At some point, Aldebaran got a comment from an Admin saying something “We’re cutting him some extra slack because he’s got a viewpoint we don’t see on the SDMB”. That may have been in the past tense after he was banned, though, so…it really probably doesn’t count.

I miss Collunsbury.

Yeah, and anyway, it’s “vanillization.” Similar to chocolatizing and strawberration.

I just got some mintification cookies from the Girl Scouts. Don’t knock it!

I love Neapolitanization!

You and me, both. But he could not hold his temper.

Speaking for the board?

We banned her for socking. :wink: