Hi, Michael.
It’s hard to say. I suspect it started in childhood, but I cannot pinpoint an exact time it started. My childhood memory is extremely poor, but I remember a couple of incidences that were pretty BPDish which lead me to believe I’ve had this disorder for, well, almost my entire life.
When I was 10, I was beaten up during recess. I was bullied a lot in school, but never beaten up. I was sitting in the corner after recess in class while the teacher called my mom. I wasn’t crying, wasn’t doing anything really except sitting there waiting for her to come. When she did, I threw a fit, started crying and acting dramatic, or emotionally hyperbolic.
Another thing, when I was 11 or so, my best friend since I was three years old didn’t speak to me for a week or so. I felt this was abandonment and felt extremely angry and hateful toward her. I wrote on her house door how much I hated her, and how I would “get her back”. I did have ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) though, so I don’t know if that was due to the ODD or the BPD.
I didn’t realize I had BPD for a very long time. I was always introverted and a bit shy, so I didn’t have many friends and very few boyfriends.
In 2005, I was in the ER for pneumonia, and since I have asthma they gave me oral oxygen. I forget what it is called, but it’s like a puffer except a constant stream of it. I hated it because it made me agitated, so I ripped the mask off and screamed, “I’d rather die than breathe this crap in again!” They hospitalized me for 72 hours and the in-house shrink dx’d me with BPD.
I knew people with BPD and said, “wait, what? Why BPD? I don’t slash my arms open!” After that I started seeing a psychiatrist for 7 years, once a month, that mostly just managed medication for me and gave me life advice. All this time I thought BPD just meant that I had problems with anger, anxiety and depression. I didn’t really understand what it meant, although I did accept the label, but not ‘fully’.
January of this year, I gave birth. I started to become severely depressed. Sick with worry. I said to myself, I need to control my anger because my daughter deserves better and I want to be a good mother for her. My mother has BPD too (along with Paranoid Personality Disorder) and I didn’t want to screw my daughter over, you catch my drift?
When I enrolled in therapy, the therapist agreed that I had BPD (although not severe - according to her, more along the “mild” or “tendencies” line) and she started psychodynamic therapy + DBT. The more insight I gained, the more I read about BPD, I realized it wasn’t just a problem with anger, but a host of a lot of shit. I went from acceptance, to denial (“maybe I have something else?”) to acceptance again.
Hope this answers your question.