Well, I’m finishing up my B.S. and on my way straight to a PhD. My main research areas are behavioral and evolutionary ecology in vertebrates.
What questions can I answer?
Well, I’m finishing up my B.S. and on my way straight to a PhD. My main research areas are behavioral and evolutionary ecology in vertebrates.
What questions can I answer?
This is a serious question.
When do you think we’ll be able to create an elephant the size of a cat? Or a hippo, giraffe, or whatever.
I’ve been holding off getting a pet because I want to wait for one of these. I understand it might not be entirely ethical or moral to create such things, but it would just be too cool.
What are the obstacles? Do you think that a private company will eventually undertake such a project because the financial incentive will overcome the ethical difficulties? If so, when?
is it true that the human body is designed to mate in the “missionary” position? this is a thing my friend says a lot and im not so sure
Would you uphold Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection?
What’s your favrite step in the process of mitosis?
I don’t think that this is possible for a multitude of reasons that are too lengthy to get into here.
It would seem like that to me.
Well, Yeah.
Feh. Anaphase kicks Interphase’s ass.
What makes poop stink?
Interphase rulez, |)00|)z.
Poop stinks due to nitrogen and sulfur rich byproducts of the bacteria produced in your colon. I am an evolutionary ecologist, goddammit! Stop asking why your poop stinks!
Huh. I thought it had more to do with eating hard boiled eggs and Keilbasa, but whatever you say, Professor.
Which is older: the Fern, or the Venus Fly Trap? Which plant is superior?
Which is better: assexual or sexual reproduction? Why?
What do you think about genetically engineered foodstuffs? BioPharming? Will the decisions we make today alter the course of human history?
Humans run faster today than they did 100 years ago, but horses do not. Pumpkins are bigger today than they were 100 years ago. What’s the connection?
I’m considering majoring in biology. Excluding medical and teaching, what kinds of jobs are there for biology majors? Is there heavy competition for jobs? Do research jobs pay well?
Biology is a very rewarding study with a wide variety of job options. Jobs as a corporate researcher, or state or federal biologist in some capacity are the main ones that come to mind. Competition is pretty average, as is pay, I’d say.
Whats the Largest Pinniped known to man?
Mirounga perhaps?
i jumped into the job world from school after getting a bachelor’s. Most good paying jobs want a PhD (or at least a masters). You can get livable jobs with just a bachelor’s, but you need to get more education to get into the well paying jobs. I’m getting set up for grad school application at this time (i got burned out of school which is why i left, i’m still not sure if i want to stop at masters for now or go for broke).
I have a job in the university section, which is different from the corporate sector. Biotechnology is a big field right now, but may or may not make a burst bubble like the dotcoms did earlier. There are a lot of biotech startups jumping out of nowhere based on research that will probably not be profitable, and those jobs will soon vanish (in fact, this is starting to happen now, two of the three applicants for our last opening were biotech layoff survivors).
Applying at big universities with large bioresearch labs is a good way to get your resume seen by a large amount of people, but the corporate jobs will probably pay more. Also university labs run the risk of running our of funds. As long as you don’t suck, you should be in high demand once you have experience.
OK, then, what’s the largest pinniped known to woman?
The one in your pants?
Do they store endangered species blood somewhere so they can be cloned in the future?
How famous would you be if you caught Bigfoot?
Fine I’ll answer it I believe it’s the Stellar Sea Lion. If not it’s the Elephant Seal…however, they do not have ear-flaps Pinni and do not walk on their flippers.
Is that right Colibri?
1)It’s called a zoo.
2)Seriously Famous.
1)pinni refers to feathers, i.e. feather footed - pinniped.
2)Mirounga sp. are pinnipeds.
3)Mirounga IS the largest pinniped.