Ask the conservative asshole

Given a few recent threads…well…apparently I am an asshole…

Ask me a question. And I’ll answer.

But given that ANY given topic could turn in a shit storm of debate…well, I don’t have time for that…

But ask a reasonably specific question and I’ll give a decent answer from my POV.

Again, I ain’t debating this shit.

But if you are curious. Ask.

Do you have to work at being an asshole? Or does it just some naturally?

(I never actually considered you an asshole (at least not yet), but this is just a standard question I ask)

Heh…funny…“standard question”…now I am envisioning a REAL job interview…

Why do Conservatives object to a “Medicare for all” insurance plan?

Why is someone expressing their 1st Amendment rights an “asshole” but a person expressing their 2nd Amendment rights is a “God-Fearing American”?

Why THEY do?..well ask them…

But for me? I get the impression that medicare cost a shitload…I had an elderly relative that had it NOT been for medicare…well, those cost would have bankrupted the entire damn family…

Time and place IMO.

Don’t have any opinion on the “god fearing” part.

Are we allowed to ask specific follow-ups?


Joking a bit there. But again, do YOU have time to debate online every damn POV you have about something?

Keep it simple and ask…and I’’ do my best to answer withing reason.

PS. I’m going on vacation in a week…AND my computer has a mind of it’s own…so don’t get too upset if I just vanish for awhile.

Do you like Trump’s wall?

I like the idea of a secure border.

Do you think Trumps wall will provide a secure border?

Goddamn you billfish, I’m not asking you anything because you’re probably not wearing pants.

I do have time to debate every damn POV I have about something :slight_smile:

Why do people constantly want to implement a new complicated Cybersecurity Framework, when they can’t implement a simple vulnerability management program? (easy one for you!) :slight_smile:

Thats funny.

Because that would interfere with the TPS reports.

Damn people, get this shit straight.


I take back some of the stuff other people may have said about you or others.

Apparently “migration” is down something like 70 percent this year…so yeah the Big Cheeto is a mexican repellent all on his own.

Sincere question: What do you read on a regular basis?

I’m left of center but I read National Review on a regular basis. I also subscribe to Barron’s and read the Wall Street Journal.

What makes a border between countries secure?