ask the guy getting a new wheelchair

If you can get out of the wheelchair periodically, probably not. However, pressure sores are the bane of wheelchair users (I’ve been under treatment for one for over 3 years, with 4 hospital stays related to it so far), and expensive cushions help to prevent or heal those. I use a ROHO air cushion - looking at the pictures and comparing it to mine I think it is probably this one which is $449 on the price list on their web page.

Yup, it’ll be lighter. And it won’t REMOTELY resemble a hospital chair, one thing I’m gonna LOVE about it!

Is there a…how do I put this…status thing around wheelchairs? Do other wheelchair users admire your nicer, more expensive chairs? Do the Mean Girls in wheelchairs sneer at the “hospital” models? How much like a car is it, exactly?

WhyNot-Funny you ask! I wanted the style I’m getting largely for these reasons! Not that I know “wheelchair” snobs.

I had a friend in college who was a quadruple amputee (meningococcemia at 15 mos. led to gangrenous limbs) and he had this really sweet chair that could hop up on 2 wheels and climb a staircase with the help of gyroscopes. He set it off one day without warning and it popped up and I turned around to find him suddenly at eye-level with me. Freaked me out but good.

The thing was really solidly built and if you didn’t weigh too much, he’d let you ride on the battery pack. I shudder to think how much it must have cost.

How many weapons can you reasonably expect to hide in the new chair? Because you never know when Orcs will attack.

Well, two chairs ago I had one with arms that were basically bent tubes that slipped into holes at the base of the seat. I used to call it my “Ninja wheelchair” because the arms pulled out easily and made nice clubs (not that I **really **ever used them for that purpose, but it was fun to play :smiley: ).

I don’t have any questions, but I’m glad you started this thread. Odds are good I’ll be in one in the next 15 years or so, and I didn’t even know what to begin looking for when the time comes (I initially put “rolls”) around.

I think my one piece of advice would be - make sure you get advice :D. I assume the wheelchair stores down there have people that you can discuss your needs and wants with and can properly measure you. I also had to have an Occupational Therapist involved as well in order to get the chair subsidized, but in fact I think that was probably for the best anyway; he helped me decide what I wanted as well. My other suggestion would be - if you have ever had to use a hospital-style wheelchair, try to forget the experience when you are looking into getting a wheelchair of your own; they are meant to be indestructible, not easy to use and bear little relation to what a decent wheelchair can be!

well, the power assist wheels were darn near (if not over) ten grand. up from six on his last chair. same outfit, just higher cost, due to more people wanting it.

and the old chair becomes a spare, until he outgrows it completely that is…

I’m not wheelchair-bound, but I do post on another board which has a few paraplegic teen members, and to a man they look up to Aaron. He’s been in the chair since he was 9, and when his friends started skateboarding – so did he! In a sports chair, with seatbelts. On quarter- and half-pipes. One of them said something once that I can’t remember perfectly (or find quickly), but it amounts to, “It’s the difference between being defined by your handicap and being a normal human being whose legs happen not to work right.”

Just FWIW, and remember these are teens who have more reason than most to want a sense of freedom and accomplishment.

Medicare approved it! Will be getting an early birthday present!

Congratulations! So now it’s 6 - 8 weeks to get it made?

Yup, about that!

Congratulations!! Will you post pictures of it when it comes in?

Have you been in a wheelchair since childhood? I know you said you had spina bifida, but I don’t know whether that gets progressively worse or just starts out leaving you immobile. I’m just wondering about the transition process of going from walking to using a wheelchair.

When I was younger, I walked with a walker, and later, crutches. I got old/lazy, so I use a chair exlusively. BTW, Spina Bifida isn’t a progressive condition like Muscular Dystrophy is.

Will be getting it on the 31st! Yeah!

\o/ grats

Yes, you must share pictures!