Ask the intravert who's taking an improv comedy course

Is this a trick question? :dubious:


Are we really allowed to use that “c” word? Could that be offensive to African Americans? I think there is actually one on here.

I actually Googled it thinking I was about to learn a new word.

“Coons?! Well, raccoons get on our porch, mama just chase 'em off with a broom…”

I don’t know if this is a serious question or not but this post, coupled with the quote, is the funniest thing I’ve seen on this board in a long goddamn time.

I can’t agree more. This thread is the best thing of 2014 so far.

That’s gold, Jerry, gold!

About 8 years ago I did improv classes here for about a year. I’m definitely an introvert and the one wonderful thing I took away from it was also a hard lesson. Looking people in the eye when talking to them. Have they brought out this technique for you yet?

:dubious: I dona think ita means what you think ita means.

:smiley: Well, that explains that.

No, that would be “How much for reverse cowgirl?”

i can’t figure out if this thread is for real or a very meta improv in progress. either way, bravo.

I’ve always kinda wanted to do this. How did you get over the initiate fear to actually sign up for a class?

Are there anybody who’s just truly terrible? When no one laughs, is it awkward?

How many days is the class and how much does it cost?

Did you find your mind blanking on how to word a joke and it not coming out right?

Boom! Freeze! Michael Scoon, FBI. You know what you did. Boom! Boom! Boom! Yeah, you thought that you could get away with your little ruse, didn’t you? Didn’t ya!?

How do they handle the inevitable “super important/funnier/better than” person that seems to always show up in a group setting? Tell them to knock it off? Have the group reaction censor them?

This type of person easily ruins fun things. I’ve seen it in so many settings.

In the improv sessions, do you ever ask yourself: “What would Hitler do?” ? — :wink:

Why “especially bad,” exactly? Surely threadshitting is no greater offence against a mod qua poster than it is against any other poster - and mod integrity would require them to be as indifferent[sup]*[/sup] at the job as possible.

  • (In the sense of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, naturally)

…Which, I know, is not a great set-up, but I guess you need to work with what you have when you’re improv-ing.

$20. Same as in town.

Not bad morally, just a bad idea. The same way going through a late yellow light is a worse idea in front of a cop than otherwise.

What if the cop runs the light then accuses you of committing a traffic violation?

I would need to know your skin color before I answer that question.

IANAC, but it’s pretty standard protocol in this case.

What happens is the cop does not apologize but rather acknowledges the error by issuing an emoticon to a completely different motorist. The details can of course vary a bit depending on jurisdiction, but that’s basically how it goes.

Geez - I thought this was all common knowledge. Haven’t you ever watched any police dramas like The Andy Griffith Show or Reno 911?

Citizen’s arrest! Citizen’s arrest!

<Turns and runs>