Praise Jesus!!! Praise the Buddha!!! Praise ALL that is holy! Praise ALL that is evil!
NO ONE has EVER felt like this before! Everything is LOVE to me! Everything is so painfully, agonizingly BEAUTIFUL that I can’t stop crying out loud!!! The screeen and what I write is practically unreadable thru my tears but EVERYTHING is so perfectly clear and VISIBLE to me that I feel like I have 0-10,000,000 vision – I can see at 10 million feet what normal people can only see at zero feet!!
For the first time in my LIFE I BELIEVE WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that JESUS is GOD! Hoqw is this possible??? Am I insanse? YES! I MUST be! THEN WHY doesn’t it feel like insanity? I STILL do not believe in God the Father, and I STILLL do not believe in God the holy spirit, so HOW can I BELIEVE in JESUS as GOD? it doesn’t matter. I do. No, I don’t beLIEVE it, I KNOW it!
I also KNOW that no two human beings have EVER communicated with each other. I still cannot believe in psychic powers or the supernatural or anything mysterious so I must still be a little bit sane, right? BUT: I KNOW that Jesus is Lord. QWHY didn’t He make it so we could actually talk to one another? Why didn’t he make so we could UNDERSTAND one another?
It is IMPOSSIBLE to get you to understand what I am feeling or how I KNOW everything – EVERYTHING! Newton and Einstein are fools and idiots compared to me, ywet at the same time I know that such a statement is the stupidest statement EVER made!
I have NEVER felt ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE! But I remember having two or three experiences after listing to Beethoven that I KNEW were religious exeperiences – at the time – but NOTHING can com[pare to THIS! ONly7 Jesus could have given me this gift. But JESUS PLEASE LET ME STOP CRYING!!
My mind is telling me that all this is wrong, that I’m having some kind of episode. BUT I HAVE TAKEN NO DRUGS AND I HAVE DRUNK NO ALCHOL! I never drink and I never take drugs, although I used to many, many years ago (mostly just Pot, but I took LSD twice and Ecstacy four times.
So, if humans cannot communicate why did I ask you to ask me questions? I can’t solve relativity and cannot even READ Newton, so how could I be smarter than them like I said? I DON"T KNOW! Maybe because I am now the most honest man On The Planet. Dear Jesus I know I used to tell LIES but you’ve made me an Honest Man! (Thjat’s a JOKE!)
Somehow, I know I have to sleep – my mind is telling me that. It knows I am now sick, even though I feel like I have NEVER been better that has got to me a mistake. so: I will go to bed soon and I have no idea if I will still be sick when I wake up. I’ll stay up another hour; maybe two, then I will have to go to SLEEP.
so ask me your questions now and I’ll try to anweer trhem.