Ask The Patriotic American Intellectual Conservative Christian

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Who’d win in a fight? Lemmy or God?

You used the phrase, “in lieu of” in the OP. I do not think it means what you think it means :slight_smile:

What’s the essential difference between you and a non-patriotic American Intellectual Conservative Christian?

By what standard do you think a person should be considered “intellectual”?

Hey, I never claimed to be the intellect! But yeh… That was typed from my iPhone. Fat-fingered typo, I guess.

Would you still be patriotic if you happened to live in a really shit country that had a really crap government that did terrible things? That is: do you think patriotism needs to be objective, or is it a good thing to support your nation regardless?

'in lieu of" means “instead of.”

How does one at 13 come to the belief that he is intellectually superior to the majority of posters at this site?

What is the source of your news?

Curtis better get back here soon. The questions are piling up.

I think you’ll have to wait for the school day to finish and for him to complete his homework first.

If the OP is indeed 13, he isn’t even an American yet, much less the rest of it. He’s an American child. He isn’t a patriot, because he can’t serve in the armed forces yet, he isn’t an intellectual because he hasn’t finished growing a brain yet, he isn’t conservative because he isn’t old enough to vote yet; I’ll give him Christian.

Given a line passing through (6,3) and (4,4) write it’s equation in slope-intercept form.

Trick question…

… shhh … I want to see if he’s a cop …

Why do you not hate America?

One follow-up: George Bush: Great President, or The Greatest President?

Thank you - I could not think of a way to say this without being a complete ass about it.

If you think Curtis is such an idiot, then Pit him. What is the first rule here? “Don’t be a jerk” (paraphrased)

Sorry about the junior modding, but this pisses me off. You don’t like the OP, fine. Think he’s pretentious, pompous, posing, puerile or a pain in the ass? Terrific. Then don’t respond to his posting and let it fade away. Rip him up to your heart’s content in the Pit. However, jumping in here just to say, “I don’t like you, nyah, nyah,” is pathetic. While I may not agree with him for everything, I think that this behavior is pathetic.

How about if someone starts an anti-thread? “Ask The Disloyal non-American Ignorant Liberal Atheist.” How many people would insult the OP then?

I stand by for the inevitable Mod admonishment and the resulting pile-on.

Best definition for ‘intellectual’ I’ve heard is “someone who has discovered that there are things more interesting than sex”.

But does it apply if you haven’t yet discovered sex?