Ask The Patriotic American Intellectual Conservative Christian

I take exception to the notion that one cannot be a patriot without serving in the armed forces.

Land o’ Goshen! Someone can’t tell the difference between good nature ribbing or taking the piss from heartfelt snide snark. The fact that Curtis speaks with such “authority” and is only 13 is a comic juxtaposition, no? Or maybe you’re his little brother? Lighten up, Francis!

If you think that no one would insult (or “insult”) the OP of a “Ask the Disloyal non-American Ignorant Liberal Atheist” thread, you haven’t been here very long.

And I thought it was going to be boring around here today. :slight_smile:

Christian covers a lot of territory. What particular sect are you a member of?

How expansive is your definition of Christian? In other words, what sects qualify? Do you include Catholics? Mormons? Jehova’s Witnesses? Others?

Do you believe in biblical inerrancy?

The Old Testament-do you follow all the rules, some of them, or none of them? If you follow some, but not others, what specific parts of the New Testament (or other authority) do you cite to differentiate between the two?

What do you think of megachurches?

In matters where there is legitimate debate between reasonable people, but where one’s religious beliefs leave no rooms for compromise, do you believe the faithful have an obligation to abide by their nation’s laws while working to change such laws, or is it acceptable to violate the law?

Would you support the establishment of a national religion which would have no control over government but would perform ceremonial functions and receive support out of tax money?

Would you be in favor of a government that is undemocratic, but perfectly in accord with your religious beliefs?

In your view, was America founded as a Christian nation? What do you think of the various religious beliefs of the founding fathers, especially those which were out of alignment with 21st century conservative Christianity?

Do the American armed forces receive supernatural aid? In other words do you think God wants us to win in our wars and is he helping out directly?

Well, hell, man, start one and let’s get some hard data!

Why did you start an “Ask The…” thread and then never return to answer any of the questions?

How patriotic are you? Do you plan on joining the armed forces? (hinted at in earlier posts, but not asked)

Dude, at least wait for the school day to end (and then give him a couple of hours to do his homework and chores) before complaining. Seriously, he is a middle-school or high-school student.

He did say “ask,” but I see no corresponding promise to answer.

Is it past your bedtime?

Can I see your birth certificate to prove that you aren’t a Patriotic Kenyan Intellectual Conservative Protestant?

If not, what do you have to hide?

I’m a veteran that agrees with you. Patriotism does not depend on military service, and never has.

Ummmm. . .he started the thread, verdad?

The guy is 13, so if so I hope they are vague, long-distance plans. I wouldn’t want to see him joining the Marines to prove his patriotism to random people on the internet.

Masturbation: Perfectly normal component of human sexuality, or, WHY MUST YOU TEMPT ME SO SATAN!!!

Kind of a newbie here, and certainly not familiar with the OP. So before I could entertain forming any questions, I would like you to provide details, statistics, cites, history, accomplishments, etc. to let me know why you have chosen those adjectives to define you. I’m not looking for papers you have written, copies of birth certificates, passports, etc., or anything of that nature. A brief overview will suffice.

I believe this request is simple and to be expected, given the examples of previous “Ask The…” posts. For instance, those OPs typically include a little background that backs up their self-identified brand.

So, as previous posters have also requested, I’d like to know why you identify as:

  • Patriotic
  • American
  • Intellectual (I have to admit the error of misusing “In lieu of” in your post already has me feeling sceptical…)
  • Conservative
  • Christian

Thank You.

I confess to wording my post poorly. I intended the questions to be considered independently of one another, but obviously that’s not how it came out.

I’ll bet a lot of 13 year olds plan to join the armed forces. Most of them change their minds before they get the chance to do it for real.

Is hall monitoring a civic duty?

Usually I have no problem with ribbing but it seems like a lot of people who proclaim a conservative or religious attribute are ridiculed or belittled. Sarcasmand snark (one of my favorite words, BTW) are all well and good and can be quite enjoyable, but it looks like there is a tendency towards derision against a certain minority population on this board.

Sorry, but I’m not some godless Commie. I’m a true blue American, praising Jesus on Sunday and stomping on liberals the rest of the week. :smiley:

In this case, I think most of the ridicule is occasioned by the claim to be an intellectual. Whether true or not, it shows, shall we say, hubris, or at least vanity.