Ask The Patriotic American Intellectual Conservative Christian

Okay, a serious question. Curtis, you’ve listed five aspects of yourself - to what degree do you see these aspects as indepedant qualities or as interdependant qualities?

Here’s your admonishment – don’t junior mod.

One mod’s opinion – if Curtis wants to be taken seriously as a member of this community, he needs to be able to be treated like a member of this community. I’m not seeing any Pit-worthy personal attacks here – I’m seeing people challenging him on the terms he set, no more or no less than they’d challenge anyone else of any age (or political or religious proclivities) around here who posted the kind of OP he did. I’m not going to try to protect the boy from himself.

I’m watching this thread, and if it turns nasty, I’ll step in with admonitions or Warnings as necessary – but I’m not seeing any nastiness yet.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator

Best typo in the thread. All hail Gaudere!

If people saw my posts as originally written they’d be wondering what language I’m using.

Good point. How about “You can’t consider yourself a patriot until you’re old enough to move somewhere else if you don’t like it where you were born”?

Ah, yes. Vanity, thy name is Curtis. True, it does seem a little pretentious to be calling himself “intellectual” but I read it not like he was saying, “Hey, look at how smart I am,” but more along the views of George Nash.

Thank you and point taken. I hereby relinquish my junior modding crown and resolve to not overstep my bounds again. But, judging from the status of my New Year’s resolutions, I’m not holding out hope. :wink:

Freak’n Sweet! :smiley:

I think I love you cmyk (in a purely platonic way, of course.):o

Well, sure… nothing says you *can’t *buy yourself a “World’s Greatest Grandpa” mug…

No: look at people like Rev. John F. MacArthur, or John Calvin.



Yes although I am of the One Saved Always Saved school in theology.

I do not fear the United States becoming a socialist nation I do however fear it becoming a social democratic nation like most of Europe.


Whatever improves the general condition of humanity.

I have a 4.0 and go to a public school. I am in GTAT. I have Asperger’s.

Believe in Jesus. :slight_smile:

I have intellectually accepted it.

Go into politics, become President (it is realistic).


  1. Convert all people to Christianity
  2. Impose a democratic one world government

No the article was misleading.

Loving your nation and doing your civic duty.

It is caused by Satan and thus will be destroyed by the Lord when the Day of Judgment comes.

I believe it to be a local flood affecting only Mesopotamia.

Patriotism is loving your nation while nationalism is fanatically beliving all other nations are worse than your own. There was a quote by De Gaulle on this I believe.

By being curious and wanting to learn.

I do not think so-but I think I’m intellectually superior to most people on Earth.

CNN, PBS NewsHour, Time and the local ABC channel for weather and other local news.

Laughable. You might as well say I’m not a Christian because I haven’t been baptized yet (I believe in believer’s baptism). As for the rest I’m a natural born American citizen, I love my nation, and I am curious plus my poltical views are generally conservative.

Technically Presbyterian although the church I currently go to though it broke away from a Presbyterian one is a "community church"and seems to teach the doctrine of “free-will”. Theologically speaking however I am much closer to the Southern Baptists.

If you mean as in “real” Christians I include all non-universalist and Trinitarian sects thus including Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox but not Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Unitarians.

In what way? I think the Bible is 100% correct on theological matters but I do not take for instance the Book of Genesis ultra-literally and am a theistic evolutionist.

I do not think the Mosaic Law is applicable to Christians. See Galatians for an example.

Most of them are steadfastly Evangelical though I fear many of them are diluting their doctrine with ecumenicalism.

What laws exactly?

No, it violates the First Amendment.

Depends-after all I don’t think Heaven is a democracy.

It is not a Christian nation as America is not a theocracy. However virtually all the Founding Fathers were “Abhramic” in belief.

He supports whoever stands for human decency and the betterment of humanity.

Very Patriotic and I only plan on serving in the military should there be a great military conflict (bigger than brushfire wars like now).

It is a sin.

See above.

There are semi interdependent (ie naturally an American is Patriotic).

I haven’t read this thread, but I’m planning on it. But I wanted to say, I saw the title, and who started it, and thought to myself, “This oughta be good.”

So with apologies if this has been asked, but how do you feel about being treated here the way you are. Do you feel you bring it on yourself, or is it “their” own fault?

Hey! you missed me. Would you still be patriotic if you lived somewhere horrible? Or in other words, is patriotism objective, or is it unconditional?

What is your definition of “arrogant”?

Oh, dear. Having read the OP’s latest post, I am left with this (again):

“Go to school, Joel. Learn something.”

Random comments on your post:
I am glad to see that you are curious and want to learn, Curtis. But what if what you learn goes against what you have also learned from your religious teachings? What then?

How is masturbation a sin? (for example).
“Whatever improves the general condition of humanity” is laudable but didn’t answer the question posed.

I also find myself dismayed that you feel you can pick and choose the laws that need to be upheld–the law is the law. Anything else is anarchy. Work to change those laws you don’t agree with, by all means, but the law must be respected and obeyed.

Why on earth would you want America (or the world) to become Christian? Never mind; don’t answer that.

Errr… could you elaborate some more on this?
As I’m not sure what that phrase means w/o some context.

And also:
Do you have any advice or suggestions for those who are interacting with people who may have Asperger’s, or for people who are in the younger population with the condition? IE: any advice for others in a similar situation as yourself?

A bit of both I’d say.

If it was an immoral and evil government certainly not.

I’m not Joel. Are you confusing me with Joel Osteen?

Give me a specific example.

It is evil to burn with lust.

Whatever is moral.

What about the Nuremberg Laws? Ever heard of civil disobedience?

Try to act as normal as possible.

Let’s keep perspective. The guy is 13, he’s got Asperger’s and he probably tests through the roof. He’s also conservative and Christian, two traits not known for their association with questioning authority or one’s own assumptions. By his received definition he should believe that he is intellectually superior. He hasn’t got the life experience or perspective to have integrated any significant humility.

Get him a passport and a handful of currency and send him off to find Desert Nomad, or Siam Sam or Paul in Qatar, and whatever is left of him when he gets back should have a whole new set of definitions, including “hubris”,“patriotic” and “hustle”.

Note to OP. I highly recommend that you consider some course of action like this when you are older. Travel is very broadening, especially if you can escape and run off by yourself.

I don’t mean to speak for eleanorigby, and I’m not snarking on you, but I think she was trying to tactfully point out that you are 13 years old. A child. A smart child, apparently, but still a child. You do not have the answers to the world’s problems. For that matter, you do not have the life experience to even understand all of the questions. A little humility would be a good thing for you to acquire some day.

I’m with you, 3rd Dimention.

To the OP, I was exceedingly bright, arrogant little cuss all through school, too, and I hated hearing this from older folks when I knew I was smarter than them, but: Just wait until you get out and see the world some.

But what does Joel have to do with anything?