Mean Old Lady - Yes, you should. I’m just like you in that there are a lot of things that I think “I should . . .” and never do. With derby, I just sort of snuck up on myself, and made the commitment before I could talk myself out of it. The way you describe yourself, especially “not afraid of getting hurt” would be a huge asset. Meanness helps, too. Not that we ever want to hurt each other, but I’m such a nice girl - it was REALLY hard for me to knock someone down on purpose. If you really are interested, and have any questions, feel free to ask here or PM me.
Ninja - Sorry. Any way I can make it up to you?
Archive Guy - I saw it before it came out, at a sneak preview. Honestly, I never would have gone to see that type of “awkward, pretty teen finds a place she can fit in” movie, but it’s cute, and not sickly so. I liked that it really played up the sisterhood and sense of belonging that I feel with my league. I’m kind of a dork, and don’t have a lot of girl friends - so that’s a big aspect of it. It also accurately portrayed some of the sacrifices you have to make, as with anything, to be the best you can be at it.
The movie portrayed banked-track derby, and I skate flat-track, so I’m sure there are some differences with rules, but there was way more overt violence on the track than we ever see. If you deliberately elbowed someone in the face like Drew Barrymore does in the movie, you’d likely get thrown off your team. But, it made for an entertaining movie. Also, before the main character’s first bout, the team gives her her “very own” mouthguard. The idea that she was ever even allowed to practice without a mouthguard is a bit scary.
Shibb0leth - The very first thing they do is teach you how to fall without injury, and you practice over and over and over until it becomes muscle memory. I have to be careful when it gets icy in the winter, because when I start to stumble, even not on skates, I automatically go to my knees. Falling, and getting hit, for me, rarely hurts. The day after a bout, or a particularly hard practice, I’ll be kind of achy, and might have a bruise or two. I’ve played for almost two years now, and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve fallen or been hit and thought OW!!
My area is Lexington, Kentucky. I skate with the Rollergirls of Central Kentucky (ROCK).
Jelly Roll (which would be an awesome derby name, BTW) - it is REALLY hard, and stressful to come up with a name. There is an international Master Roster, and believe me, anything you think of, has already been thought of. That’s why I’m not Black Sunshine. I had one before that I didn’t really like, and eventually switched it to Sugar Shock. I’m kind of an 80’s hair metal fan, and one night at practice, the rink was playing “Pour Some Sugar on Me.” The part where he says, “Do you take Sugar? ONE LUMP OR TWO?” I thought, that would be an excellent number, and set myself to finding a name to fit.
Keep 'em coming!