Add ASPA to the list of general answerers here at MPSIMS.
(Avoid “expletives” and the deliberately or expressly obscene/vulgar, to keep your points, humor, or issues most clear, effective, and recreative.)
ASPA will post answers once a few questions accumulate. Several questions may be answered all in one post—for humor or nonhumor. We’ll start by taking questions of a general nature, and, if they aren’t directly or particularly compelling of answers from ASPA, then ASPA specializations will be announced.

Originally posted by ASPA:
**Add ASPA to the list of general answerers here at MPSIMS.

Okay, I just had to get the hypertext right.

testing: testing

First Question:

Did you know that when you tried to type a double “s”, the second one came out as “pa”?

Second question: How do you bold a sentence in ubb code? haha :wink:

If you say it, mean it. If you mean it, do it.
If you do it, live it. If you live it, say it.

Joe Cool

Third question: Does ASPA stand for the “American Society for the Prevention of Animals”?

Heck is where you go when you don’t believe in Gosh.

Why do I always see 6 or more posts in a row by ASPA, all with bad UBB coding, several of them responding to the same message (but with different responses) and several of them responding to posts also made by ASPA? Can’t ASPA just put everything that ASPA wants to say in one post?

Fourth question: Just how big of dick are you?
Fifth question: Is that fetid stench coming from you?

Voted Best Sport
And narrowly averted the despised moniker Smiley Master

Forward deployed until 18AUG00



“I guess one person can make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”


I maintain that there must be a reasonable explanation for this.

I always try to do things in chronological order.


Corky, get back in your room!

These friendly board people don’t have your goddamn baseball!!!

And no computer for you, for 2 weeks!

“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”


Eleventh Question: Huh?

Things are random only insofar as we don’t understand them.

Allrighty then, if the formula for air friction is f = 3.5v, where f = force of friction opposite direction of motion, and v = velocity in meters per second, and you fire a regular, spherical metal slug five inches in diameter and weighing five newtons into the air at an intial angle of 50 degrees and an initial velocity of 100 meters per second and with gravity at earth norm, g = 9.8 meters per second per second, how far will the metal slug go on a flat field, how long will it take, and what will its velocity at the moment of impact be?

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

And, just for good measure:


I’m your only friend
I’m not your only friend
But I’m a little glowing friend
But really I’m not actually your friend
But I am

[I lost count of how many questions]th question:
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

If you say it, mean it. If you mean it, do it.
If you do it, live it. If you live it, say it.

Joe Cool


Ass, ass, ass…
