Aspirin and menstruation.

I just had to repeat that phrase… L M F A O!!!

K. Here’s the real answer and what any other doctor will tell you. It all depends on the woman.

Some women clot more…this may be due to fibroids, I’d get that checked though. Clots that large are usually seen right after childbirth, but disappear after a couple months. This again could be totally normal for women in YOUR family. Always check your family history.

I had numerous “female” problems. I was adopted and didn’t have a clue. When I met my “bio” family, I found out they were all native, got diabetes by the age of 60, and many of the women had uterin and ovarian cancers. Mind you, there were three FACTORIES DUMPING TOXIC WASTE INTO THEIR DRINKING WATER! Many tribal members have numerous health issues, cancer being one of them.

So please check your family history, that should give you a barometer as to where you should set your bar for symptoms, medications, and treatments.

As far as any pain meds…they all can effect blood flow, otherwise they wouldn’t work. So you have to decide whether the pain is bad enough to warrant meds. For example aspirin may make cramps worse because they can, in a sense, thin blood, causing more blood to flow, and send more throbbing to the effected area making the cramps worse. It truly is up to the female suffering, a doctor can’t tell you what works best for you. Thoroughly research your family tree. You might be amazed at what you’ll find.

I’ve felt much, much better after I had my uterus and ovaries removed. There have been some negative side effects, but overall, the positives outweigh the negatives.

Zombie cramps and prostaglandin inhibition. Ew.

And pain medications do not thin blood. :dubious:

Nor is there good evidence that increasing bleeding times via platelet inhibition (which is how aspirin works) would increase pain or throbbing.

I was unaware that it was even possible to gross you out, QtheM. :stuck_out_tongue:

You ever see prostaglandins up close?

I’ve never even see the word up close!

I dont even know what the word means!

I’ve been reading this thread with great interest. I’m 43 and have always been very regular and no surprises. I’ve noticed that some months hurt a lot during the past few years, but the flow is OK. Well, until yesterday. I was at work and just having my regular monthly when I felt a flow like never before. Went to the ladies room and HOLY CRAP WTH - it was everywhere. I went to the hospital and they gave me an ultrasound and a CAT scan to rule out the major stuff. I was home last night by 11:00 and took some time off today. The pain isn’t too bad but the flow is very heavy still and I’m shaky and exhausted.

How long does this usually last? I have a doctor appt. Monday but it just started up really heavy again 1/2 hour ago and this is just so upsetting. Thanks for any anecdotes or advice. Oh, and I have had and will have medical treatment, this is just new to me and I’m not having a good time here.

When I first started on BC for my periods, the type of pill the doctor gave me (triphasic, so each week was a different amount of hormones) totally fucked me up. I mean, blood was everywhere when I had my first period after starting it. I was given some sort of pill (can’t remember the name) that is for hemophiliacs.

I tried a monophasic pill next and hit the jackpot.

As for the pain med discussion, I actually live for ibuprofen. I read in one of those women’s magazines that it’s a blood clotter, so my flow was lessened. Yes, there were more clots, but clots are a lot easier to deal with than pure liquid.

I just skip my placebo week and about twice a year I get breakthrough bleeding which I interpret as my body wanting to shed my lining or something, so I indulge it. I have other medical issues that would prevent me from having a kid, so I’m not particularly worried about childbearing effects.