Assume you visited or moved to a state where Pot is legal. Would You try it?

The effect of edibles can be quite different than when it’s inhaled. It is more of a body high. And no, you can not order it as room service…yet.

No. I’m 63 now and have gotten by fine without ever using pot. When I was 19 and sitting in a circle of friends passing a joint, I refused it. I’m certainly not going to act differently at this stage of my life.

About 11 years ago I took a tour of Europe. One of my many stops was Amsterdam, where pot is legal. I decided I wanted to try it.

I found a suitable coffee shop. I bought the mildest joint they had in stock. I smoked half of it.

It didn’t affect me at first, then about 20 minutes later it hit me. Cue three hours of the room spinning around me. I was curled up in a ball with my eyes closed. A bvery uinpleasant experience, I found it.

When I eventually recovered, I found that my bag had been stolen. Nothing financially valuable in it, but I lost the telephone number of a friend I met on my travels, and a load of photos.

I don’t regret trying it. One should always be open to new experiences. But having tried it once, and found I didn’t like it, never again. Even if it’s legalised, I won’t do it.

I live in DC and haven’t smoked pot since it was decriminalized, but I used to be a huge pot head. When I was in high school, it was easier to get weed than booze. I’m just kind of over pot, I might smoke it again some day.

That’s me, actually. Always wanted to try it, but not enough to risk it. (And it wasn’t really the fear of arrest, but the fear of putting an unregulated, who-knows-what’s-in-this-stuff, chemical into my body.)

A few months ago, I was in Colorado, and noticed the dispensaries everywhere. (My favorite was the one near our hotel called “Starbuds”. ) I finally worked up the courage to go inside, and talk to the very friendly proprietor. I was very seriously thinking about getting some to try it (amazingly, my wife, who’s an LCSW specializing in substance abuse, was okay with me experimenting once), but he didn’t have any edibles, and I didn’t want to be high while walking around downtown Denver, or on the plane going home later that night.

But given the opportunity to try it where it’s legal, I certainly would. Once, anyway. “One should try everything in life, save incest and country dancing” - Oscar Wilde.

For the record, it’s legal to consume pot in DC, or give it away, but it is still illegal to sell it.

I don’t think I’d want to inhale smoke into my lungs, but I’d try edibles if I had the opportunity to do so legally (and if I were not subject to drug testing at my employer). Earlier this year, it looked like my wife and I were going to be moving to Denver (it didn’t work out), and I was planning on trying it at least once when we got there. I guess it will have to wait for some time when we go on vacation.

I like to do things legally, so my only direct pot experience was in Amsterdam a while back. I discovered I couldn’t bring myself to inhale. No interest in trying again.

Technically, because I work for the US government, it’s illegal for me to use pot even if I’m in a state where it’s legal.

That’s something that always makes me shake my head at the pro-pot crowd that always goes on about how harmless, nay, beneficial, weed is. Doesn’t matter how much blazing up fills you with ineffable peace and puts you in communion with the cosmos, you’re still pulling superheated, toxic gasses into your lungs. And since joints don’t have filters, they have as much or more tar, carbon monoxide, and other nasties as bad ol’ tobaccy.

I’m not going to smoke anything. Ever.

I would consider edibles if I had a reason to consume it, but having lived my life without it, I don’t feel any particular lack.

I’m all for legalization, though.

I would if I weren’t on medication. (Anti-convulsants). It’s not worth the risk.

Nah. Just not my kind of drug, that one.

I would like to sample every strain, oil, and edible. I likely couldn’t afford to do such a thing but if offered, sure. It’s fun to be high! And I’ve heard it’s secretly curing all these cancers so you can hardly go wrong with a cancer cure. :wink:

Nope, I like my brain just as it is. When I was in college pot was effectively legal (the Cambridge cops said don’t be schmucks and sell to kids or grow a plant in a window overlooking the police station, otherwise okay) and I still didn’t try it.
But I don’t like getting drunk either.
I get high on the real things - a clean windshield, powerful gasoline and a shoeshine. :smiley:

I tried it illegally (a long time ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth) and didn’t like it, so no.

LOL I clicked yes before thinking I could have clicked other and commented puff puff pass :smack::smiley:

But instead of smoking I would like to try edibles.

It’s not legal, even in the states where it’s legal.

So no.

ITT: Buncha squares.

I have no interest in recreational drugs. I don’t even drink alcohol.