Asteroid may hit Mars next month!

I’ll start making the popcorn!

Better them than us, I say.

Typical American.

Too small to cause Martian climatic change.

But has the possibility of making a 1 mile wide crater…similar to Meteor Crater, in Arizona…cool!

Mars will defend itself.

“FOX News has had analysts working night and day on this sketch of the impending martian disaster…”

One of the rare instances where an acclamation of favor for a chocolate confection could share the same headline with a Martian laser space defense system.



Seriously, I wonder if it will be within range of any of the gadgets (Opportunity, Spirit, Orbiter) we have on or above Mars? Are any of them still working well enough to detect or photograph the event? That would be waaay coooool!

I bet Spirit will still work!

That’s covered in the OP link.

*Have you heard? It’s in the stars
Next July we collide with Mars.

Well, did you evah?*

Good timing award-Mars just passed opposition and should still be a nice bright sight when/if the asteroid hits.

Quick! Someone call Bruce Willis!!

From L.A. Times. More:

Behind the moon? Our moon? If that’s what he meant, all they need to do is wait about an hour for the moon to get out of the way. Meanwhile, I can’t imagine that Phobos or Deimos are the problem… :confused:

Relax, it’s all being taken care of. Podkayne is orbiting our planet in a battle cruiser even as we speak. If the Big Rock looks like it’s gonna’ hit, she’ll blast it into little pieces with the ship’s massive radium cannons.

Happy Holidays to ye denizens of the Blue Marble.

The moon moves against the background sky about 13.2 degrees per day, so an hour isn’t very much movement.

However, 2 weeks does seem like an awfully long time. Maybe the orbit of the asteroid is coincident with the moon’s apparent path in our sky? That seems unlikely, unless its part of an eevil plan!

You mean like its going to hit Mars and then send it hurtling towards the Earth in a cosmic game of billiards? Sweet!