At what age (an offshoot of Incubus' thread)

I’m twenty-eight, and have had a handful of relationships that lasted about a year. I have lived with three previous girlfriends, one of which I lived with for over two years.

Never had anything serious though.

Imagine my confusion! :wink:

Met my husband when I was 15. He was my first serious relationship. Married at 18, been married for 3 1/2 years.

My first serious relationship was at age 14. It broke up because he was gay.

My second serious relationship was when I was 16. He was too old for me and there were other problems, serious ones.

My third serious relationship began when I was still 16. He was 15. We were boyfriend/girlfriend for almost three years before we married. We have been married for almost 27 years now. I’m still crazy about him.

Bleh. I wanna hear from someone who fell into their first serious relationship at 35 or older. So I can pretend there’s still hope for me. :slight_smile:

My first serious relationship was at 17…met my fiancee when I was 28.

My first serious relationship began when I was 17.

My current serious relationship (now a marriage) began when I was 20.

I’m 26 now.

My first serious relationship was at 19. It lasted just over six months. I’ve only had one other serious relationship since, but several not-such-a-big-deal ones.

I’m currently single and 33.

(In a way, tremorviolet, I hear ya! :slight_smile: )

First serious relationship -18 (We started dateing 4 days after my 18th birthday. It should have been months earlier, but lets just say I had issues.)
Current relationship - 18.

Yep. I’m still with him. :slight_smile:

I started going out with my first real boyfriend when I was 14, but I don’t know whether that could be called “serious” or not. It felt serious, but there was nothing sexual, and just about everything feels serious when you’re that age.

When I was 17, I had a boyfriend who asked me to marry him, so I suppose that was pretty serious. We broke up the same year, though, because he was a little too intense about the marriage thing for my liking. I met Mr. Legend later that year, just before I turned 18. We dated non-exclusively for a year and a half, lived together for about six months, and married just after I turned 20. I’m 43 now, he’s 47, we’re still married, and I don’t see that changing, God willing.

First was when we both were 16. She broke it off after about 5 months because she said we were from different worlds. She was from the Methodist Children’s Home and I was from the better part of town.

I turned 17 and started dating a girl that was 15. She broke it off after a couple of months, but then decided she wanted to get back together. About 5 months later she did the same exact thing. I said “OK, but don’t try it a third time.” She did and that was it.

In college I got back together with #1 and things got fairly serious, but there was always something that wasn’t right.

Then I met a wonderful gal and we were very serious when I was 20. We talked about marriage, but the Christmas before graduation I called it off. People asked me why and I said “She’s too good for me” and I’m sticking to that story after many years. The last line in “Margaritaville” comes to mind.

Then when I was 23 I lucked out and found another wonderful woman. We were married 8 months later. I was 24 and she was 23. That was 41 years ago, so you do the math.

[sup]A few months ago, I found #1 thru Classmates. She had lost her husband to cancer. I told her how she’d broken my heart when she broke it off. She said that she thought that I had realized she was right about my being too good for her. It was good to know she really did care for me, but hurt that we both were wrong. I guess that is one of the lessons of life. And if anyone is wondering, my wife knows all about this.[/sup]

First serious relationship was at 19, and it became very serious very quickly. He turned 30 shortly after we met. He asked me to marry him, I said yes, we broke up after about eight or nine months due to religious differences. Next serious relationship for me was at 20, lasted two years, mostly because it was long-distance. I’m a difficult person to be in a relationship with, but I will admit it. Nothing else serious since then, unless you count the one that ended a few months ago which turned out to be more serious to him than to me.

I’ve been 26 for a little less than a month.

I’m 23, going on 24, and have never been in a relationship, serious or otherwise.

My only serious relationship has been with Dr.J. We started going out right around my 19th birthday, which was not quite 10 years ago.