At what age did you stop sucking as a person?

I’m 28. I’m still young enough that I can’t help but act like a jackass. It’s just part of the human brain development, I guess, because at 28 a guy is still supposed to be a wild reckless devil may care jackass, good for hunting and fighting other tribes.

In 5 years will I not be like this anymore? When did you stop sucking as a person?

frontal lobe fully developed around age 34, life made sense all of a sudden

If you want to change, you have to work at it.

It’s not true that you “can’t help it.” It is probably true that it’s easier to act like a jackass sometimes than it is to not act like a jackass. That’s true of everyone.

You can change. You are more than physically mature enough: you probably hit sufficient physical maturity more than a decade ago, still developping brain or not. It’s just that it’s hard work.

Sorry: I know that’s not what you want to hear.

So my 5 year prediction was almost on the money?

Tight. :slight_smile:

I’m currently 37.

but that is not an excuse to act like a wrecking ball until then. You chose certain adjectives to describe your behavior that implies a certain awareness. Since you know/are aware of how you behave from this moment forward your behavior is a choice. Damn that frontal lobe

Currently 42. I’ll have to let you know.

FWIW, I don’t think there is a minimum or maximum age for jack-assery, I think that’s more of a straight personality trait than a function of age. But I know a lot of people who have said, in one way or another “Geez, I really thought I’d have this ‘Life’ thing figured out by now.”

I’m sorry to break it to you, but 28 isn’t that young. It’s young enough to get away with some stuff (like wearing clothes meant for teenagers and pigging out at Denny’s at 3:30AM.) But your average 28-year-old typically “knows better”. This is why a 28-year-old jackass is treated the same way as a 35-year-old jackass in the court of law.

There was no age at which I would have thought I was a jackass. It seems like it takes me about ten years of perspective before I realize what a gigantic jerk I was at any given point in my life.

I feel like I’ve been improving all along, but ask me again in about ten years.

You really think 28 is that young? It’s not. I don’t know where you get these ideas that you can act like a jackass or be irresponsible just because you are a certain age.

Grow up or don’t. It’s up to you. It doesn’t happen at a certain magic age.

I’m pretty sure I was more mature at the age of say, 14 than the OP is now at 28.

23 and I am still a loser

I’ll be better when I’m older.

Just like Edwin McCain.

I stopped sucking as a person in 2001. So, I was 30.

Grin! I’m less of a stinker than I was in the past. Every year, I get a little better. I think that’s true of most people. No one ever actually attains wisdom, or even sanity. We just keep working to improve.

Younger than I realized at the time.

Constantly embarrassed by what I did a few years ago. And I’ll probably be embarrassed about what I’m doing now. 31.

Probably somewhere around 27. Graduated college just a bit past my 24th birthday, and after about 2.5-3 years of real-world job, bills and life, things just kind of clicked and I went from being a knuckleheaded self-absorbed kid to something more mature and “adult” with a lot more empathy for others.

That’s not to say that my friends and I didn’t go out and tie one on often, or that I stopped trying to get laid / meet women constantly, but rather that I had a sort of framework for these things; they weren’t my primary goal and/or avocation anymore.

Most of that shit shut down about 34 or so when I met my wife, and a lot of my friends also paired off, got more job responsibility, or had kids (for the already married ones).

Once you have kids, things tend to change drastically. You’re now not only mature, but you have to be responsible.

It’s not that people automatically stop sucking at a certain age. It’s that it takes some people years or even decades of work to stop sucking. So if you think your personality is a problem, don’t kick back and assume the passage of time will fix it. Get to work instead.