I usually ignore (yet remember) dreams. However, once in a while, I get the same dream several nights in a row, and I feel that it means something, and so far, it always does. Is this a real phenomenon? At what point should I be paying attention to dreams?
I don’t know. I’ve had a recurring dream, at least once a month, since the early 1980s. In it, I’m riding a bicycle to Austin, Tx. There’s no telling where I will be in the dream, but I’ll have a bike and my destination is Austin.
I have absolutely no desire to run out, buy a bike and start pedaling up Highway 290.
Based on my experience recurring dreams don’t necessarily mean anything.
I had this recurring dream as a kid that I was friends with a native american princess. I went to her teepee to play with her but her father got mad that I was there and called my mom to pick me up so I had to wait with her angry father until my mom showed up in a limo to take me home. However, the limo didn’t take us home but instead to an all you can eat chinese buffet where people were worshipping a talking goat who, incidentally, was able to give us directions to get back home.
Of course, I’ve also had dreams about things that were bothering or confusing me in my life that were obviously my brain’s way of sorting through a problem. And I’ve also had dreams that later came true. I think dreams can be helpful in some circumstances but most of the time they don’t mean much. I wouldn’t read too much into it unless it is really bugging you.
My dreams often mean something, but it’s never literal. I have dreamed about planes crashing for years; how close the plane crashes to me depends on how stressful my life is at the time. That has pretty obvious meaning.
For years every time I was about to start my period I’d dream of being stabbed in the back. I’ve dreamed I was drowning and woke up with a stuffy nose. The TV being on can affect my dreams, and I once dreamed my arm was caught between the stove and cabinet only to wake up with pins and needles in that arm.
My daughter is planning to move out soon. The other night I dreamed I was out shopping in her car and accidentally swallowed her keys. The whole keychain actually!
If it “means” something, it’s nothing more than you’re feeling anxiety or some other strong emotion.
If you think about a recurring dream you can usually figure out what you’re trying to tell yourself about something that’s important to you.