For unnecessary items that you buy because you want them, not because you need them, what’s lowest price that you consider expensive? (Hope that makes sense.)
For me it’s $50 USD.
For unnecessary items that you buy because you want them, not because you need them, what’s lowest price that you consider expensive? (Hope that makes sense.)
For me it’s $50 USD.
I don’t know if it’s possible to have just one answer since so much depends on what it is.
For example, books become expensive for me at $20. Meals for two out at $40. Articles of clothing at $30.
Looking at this, I guess I’m kind of a cheapskate.
Yeah, it depends on the item. But most things that cost over $100 will make me reluctant to spend the money unless I really want it/think it’s worth it.
For me the item isn’t really an issue I guess, just the price. But for those of you who have different answers based on the item or service, that’s fine too.
Far too vague a question to answer.
$100 for a loaf of bread - way too expensive!
$100 for a new laptop computer? Let me write you a check - now!
Example: I bought a flat screen television when I had the money, about 5 years ago, for about $1600. That same television today costs less than $800. But I wanted it, had the money, and bought it. Today, I would be far pickier - but back then, that was the going rate for flat screens.
I am sure many of you also remember paying a lot for that first VCR, or DVD player/recorder. Today, you can buy them for pocket change. So what is expensive? Pretty much anything I can’t afford, and don’t “really need”…but that varies on how much money I have at any given time.
I specified necessary items. That means a house, car, groceries, utilities, and so on. So since bread is part of groceries I’m not talking about that.
Also, yes, prices change, but I’m talking about the present. And I’m asking dopers what they consider expensive, because it varies with each person.
I’m right there with you, give or take 10-20, depending on the item. I'm always mentally calculating how much "free" I have available in my checking account – four times out of five I feel I don’t have enough to justify splurging; ergo, I don’t buy. I won’t even go near a store, lest I be tempted.
I think I understand what you’re getting at. For me, my brain registers $50.00 or above as expensive, even if $50.00 is actually a bargain price for the item in question. This doesn’t mean I won’t buy the item if I can afford it, it is just at that level it feels like I’ve parted with real money, as opposed to “mad money”.
Yeah, you got it. And I pretty much feel the same way.
If I don’t have the cash immediately available in my wallet then it’s expensive for me. I usually keep $40-60 in cash in my wallet.
I rarely carry cash anymore. I use my debit card wherever I can.
It’s too easy for me to make multiple small purchases will my debit card. Spending $5-10 isn’t a big deal, but if I do it 10 times a day it adds up. Using cash helps me keep my spending habits in check.
Early in our marriage (1995), my husband and I agreed that we would consult each other before spending $100. That has proven a realistic and workable plan. Now and then he will come home and say “I bought a ______ today and it cost $40.” And that will be OK with me; the same with him if I see something I want, I think, “If he were here with me, and I told him I wanted this, would he have an issue with it?” We are both pretty judicious.
If he sees something on eBay and wants to bid on it, he always asks my opinion on how high he should go, and vice versa.
Re cash, I usually get $60 at the ATM every week, and put $10 away for safekeeping. The rest is for groceries I forgot to pick up at my main run, lunch on Friday, other little things. If I run out of cash, too bad for me. I rarely go back to the ATM for more money – it’s my own damn fault for running out and I’ll take pretzels from home to eat for lunch if I can’t afford to buy it.
Though I’m rubbish at saving money, I’m not anything like a big spender - and I’m horribly broke.
Beyond bills and other necessary purchases, I don’t think I’ve spent more than $20 on any one item other than a new DVD/VCR in the past year. I know I’ve not spent more than $10 on a meal for just me. I go out maybe once a week, and then only when the special is $1.50 drafts. About a year-and-a-half ago I took a date to the movies on a Saturday night and nearly gagged when I saw the tickets were almost $9 each (I always go to matinees).
For as long as I recall for me the $50 mark means “downright expensive”. As things stand for me financially-speaking now $20 is generally the limit I’ll spend in a day, and $30 is just too much for non-necessary items.
It depends on what it is, but usually if it’s over $25-30.00 I have to figure out some way to justify dropping the green.
Depends greatly on the item. For grocery store items, anything over $3.00 or so seems expensive. For DVDs or video games, I don’t like paying more than $10 unless it’s something I’ve really been looking forward to. For general household items I don’t have to think too much about a $20 item, but much more than that probably won’t get bought.
Once I “got” that the question got easier. For me the number is $349.00 US.
It’s more a question for me of value rather than the price tag. I spent $200 on a golf club a couple weeks ago and I didn’t bat an eyelash, because it was a good price for a club I wanted. Not that many new 4 woods on the market these days.
It does depend on what it is, but it is somewhere in that nebulous $50-100.00 range.