What are my options for getting one? For myself, that is.
I’ve been thinking about death a bit lately. Now, the thought of dying doesn’t bother me a lot. That part is easy. I’m fully expecting to just disappear and never have to worry about this consciousness crap ever again. No afterlife, nothing. Doesn’t really sound so bad. However, the real problem, as all connoisseurs of detective stories know, is disposing of the body.
I know, I know, I shouldn’t really care what happens to me after I’m gone - it’s not like I’ll be around to be annoyed by it. Even so, I still do, a bit. The thing is, I’m a firmly convinced atheist and a secular humanist. It doesn’t seem honest or right to me that, when I kick the bucket, the final garbage disposal ceremony should be full of religious mumbo-jumbo, nonsense about God and suchlike. In fact, just the thought of it makes me cringe. However, if I don’t do something about it in advance, I suspect that’s what will happen by default - in my case, I suppose the mumbo-jumbo will be the average Protestant Christian crap.
Anyway, I suppose I’m not the first person who has felt this way, and surely secular humanist funerals must be a fairly common practice. Even so, I really wouldn’t know how to go about having one arranged for myself in advance. Who do I talk to about it? Are there government offices that deal with this? How about private organizations? Do I leave instructions in my last will and testament? I really want to do it properly, and make sure it’s all taken care of - if I just leave it to my family, they’ll ignore all my wishes and do the whole religious route, no matter how I feel about it. Are there such things as atheist graveyards, anyway? How about cremations? The ideal thing would be to just have the body disposed of at the local garbage dump, like any other old sack of meat, but I suspect that is pushing it a bit.
One more thing I should mention is that I’m European, living in a tiny Northern European backwater, so experiences from you American dopers might not apply specifically to my circumstances. Even so, all helpful hints are appreciated. And if there are any Euro-Dopers out there who can chip in, please do so.
Oh, and by the way, I’m probably not dying any time real soon… I just want to have these things sorted out.