Atlanta Dopers, dinner this Saturday 2/28?

Yeah, especially after Uncle Bill told me they were moving to sit with y’all cuz of “something I said.”

Makes a gal feel unwanted, ya know???

Hey Callie its good to know I am not the only doper in Augusta.

I tried to find the dopers at Bugaboo but my timing was just off. I got there at 8:30 and had to park in Fulton county. I walked up to the girl handling seating and asked for Cecil Adam’s party. She looked through a mountain of notes and said there was not anyone under that name, but just go and look around for them. I explained that I did not know what they looked like and was about to get into how I knew them from the internet, but decided that she would most likely misunderstand what was going on. Meanwhile a line was forming behind me. That place was packed. I stroled around looking for dopere shirts and did not se any. I assumed that either you had already eaten and had been forced out or had gone elsewhere because of the wait. I was parked on the side away from the Mountie so I did not pass you as I left, lousy luck. I am sure you must have been standing there when I left.

I was a little nervous leaving my 4 year old with my sister so I was anxious to get back to them which is probably why I did not spend more time looking around. Last time I left him with her i called to check on him and she asked me if he usally slept in his exci-saucer (simalr to a walker but instead of wheels it has a domed bottom that rocks). I said no he likes to sleep in a bed and had a mental image of my son hunched over with some toy stuck to his head.

Hope to see you at the next meeting and I will get a cell phone for the next one so I can be in communication. and not miss out.

JackaRoe, you must have gotten there just after we sat down. We were waiting right next to the Mountie, so if we’d still been up there, you for sure would have seen us. Well, you have to come to the next one, then.

It was fantastic meeting everyone, though we ended up sitting at different booths, so we couldn’t talk to Archergal, Robert, gooti and mouthbreather during dinner. It was good to get to sit down sooner, though, so that balanced out. We did have a lovely time with GMRyujin and Morelin, and hope we didn’t traumatize them too much with our tales of Dopefest debauchery. :smiley:

See y’all again real soon! We likely have an apartment nailed down (hopehopehope; there were a couple snags when we went over there yesterday that I think are smoothed out now), so we’ll be ready to PAR-TAY! We’ll have to head in to town for Bill’s Duke Alumni Club things from time to time, so we’ll try to set something up so those too timid to venture beyond the perimeter might be willing to make an appearance.

Give plenty of advance notice for the house-warming party. Us crafty types need some lead-time, ya know?

It won’t be until at least April, is that enough time?

I hope so! :slight_smile:

I hope it’s before about the 28th becuase we’re going on our honeymoon from about the 28th to may 5th or something, ('breather makes all the plans around these parts so I’m not sure when we’re leaving). We’d love to join you all, tho! :slight_smile:

You must excuse me, I didn’t mean something YOU said, I meant something YA’LL said. I have been out of the country for four and half years in Miami, and my English, it not so good.

No, it not so good. Y’ALL. :stuck_out_tongue: