Attack of the Crabby Couch Potatoes!

El Hubbo and I have been pumping iron in the morning for about six months now. We’ve gotten very consistent with dumbbell workouts three times per week.

A little over a week ago, El Hubbo read an article that in order to continue progressing, one should take a week off every six weeks.

Last week was our week off. We don’t see too much of each other during the week so it wasn’t noticiable. But we were two pissy-ass human beings just waiting for a fight. So we had the worst weekend imaginable. Sniping at each other, couldn’t agree on the time of day, shooting dirty looks, yelling… And no root cause at which to point.

After two days of working out, everything is right as rain. God is in his Heaven and that big shiny ball in the sky is shedding light on the GazelleHubbo household once again.

Therefore, I postulate:

Working Out = Mental Health = Happy Primary Relationship

My old self – the one from about ten years ago, who could eat a large Domino’s SuperSupreme in one sitting and smile afterwards – would probably smack me upside the head.

<nitpicking myself>A little over a week ago, El Hubbo read an article which stated that in order to continue progressing, one should take a week off every six weeks.</nitpicking myself>

Crabby Crotch Potatoes?..oh…wait…

never mind.

Funny, NCUN.

Even after an incredibly lazy week, El Hubbo lost two pounds.

That’s a total of 26 pounds lost in eight weeks.

He’s my little fat-burner!

In all seriousness, I sometimes do an aerobic work out and sometimes don’t and I never notice any difference in my attitude. By “sometimes” I mean every day for weeks or months, and then no days for weeks. Pumping iron may be different.