attributing quotes

I apologize in advance if this question has been answered before, the search function will not work with me this morning.

I know that to put a quote in bars we use the

function, ending the quote by placing a / before the word “quote” in the brackets. But in many posts people can say who they are quoting, so it looks like: quote by Arnold Winklereid instead of just quote:. How do I do it too?

*Originally posted by grettle *
**I apologize in advance if this question has been answered before, the search function will not work with me this morning.

I know that to put a quote in bars we use the

Just like that.

The way I did it was by clicking the ‘quote’ button just below your post.
If you click the ‘quote’ button under my post, you can see what code you need to insert if you want to do it manually.

that was easy :slight_smile:

wow, never saw that button until now, I had been doing everything through the <Post a Reply> screen and it didn’t prompt me that way. thanks a lot!

At the reply screen, you can just add the words “Originally posted by Wossname” into the quote, and italicize it… or you can put the words before the quote:

Quoth the Raven: