Australia decides.... the 8 greatest Simpsons Episodes Ever

Wasn’t the Weekend at Burnsie’s episode the one with the monkey knife fights? “Furious George! What happened to your beautiful face?”

knifey spoony

'ey proime ministah!"

“it’s pretty big”

the penguin

the porno-mag


That episode is hilarious. Maybe it just cut too close to the bone for you.

Not appreciating the Australia episode is a booting offense.

(Or is it “bootable”?)

Weekend at Burnsie’s? What a bizarre choice. The medical marijuana plot was very funny, but the whole ‘Burns dies’ sequence was really bad.

That’s The Mansion Family, which has one of my favorite sequences:
Bart: (driving through a hallway on a golf cart) “I’m Al Unser Jr.!”
Lisa: (following on a horse) “I’m Princess Margaret!”
Homer: (on a riding mower, slurring) “I’m drunk!”

My top 8 probably wouldn’t get any awards for originality, but it’s something like this:

*Cape Feare
*Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in ‘The Curse of the Flying Hellfish’
*Homer vs. The 18th Amendment
*El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer
*Homer and Apu
*You Only Move Twice
*Marge vs. The Monorail
*Sideshow Bob’s Last Gleaming

Honorable mention goes to Homer the Smithers and A Fish Called Selma.

You know, I don’t hate this episode. It has its moments. God knows there are worse episodes (Saddlesore Galactica, I’m looking at you). But this joke, this “knifey spoony” joke, it, well, it sucks. It’s bad. As in NOT funny. The opposite of what a joke should be. It’s a riff on a joke from a move that had been out for TEN years when the episode first showed.

allow me to paraphrase Stewie Griffin, " Ha ha ha! Oh gosh that’s funny! That’s really funny! Do you write your own material? Do you? Because that is so fresh. [That’s not a knife, this is a knife]. You know, I’ve, I’ve never heard anyone make that joke before. Hmm. You’re the first. I’ve never heard anyone reference, reference that outside the [movie] before. Because that’s what he says [in] the [movie] right? Isn’t it? [That’s not a knife, this is a knife]. And, and yet you’ve taken that and used it out of context . . . in this everyday situation. God what a clever, smart [cartoon writer]l you must be, to come up with a joke like that all by yourself. That’s so fresh too. Any, any Titanic jokes you want to throw at me too as long as we’re hitting these phenomena at the height of their popularity. God you’re so funny!"

Uh… but it IS a joke. It’s not a great joke, but it’s also not like the quote you’re comparing it to (which was JUST a quote, not a joke). The Simpsons regularly makes jokes about Citizen Kane and Psycho, for crying out loud- what’s it matter if they did a Crocodile Dundee riff?

Well, I’m not sure about the context of the Stewie quote. . .but yes, we’d been inundated with rip-off “that’s not a knife” jokes for years after CrocDun, but mostly of the variety where someone pulls out something larger of the same object.

I don’t think we’d ever seen a guy claim, “THIS is a knife” and pull out a spoon.

Not only that, but when he’s called on it, his reaction indicates that it’s actually part of a game he’s apparently familiar with. . .a game called “Knifey Spooney”.


I guess I just found the new direction uninspired.

It’s just a weak joke poorly executed, that’s all. There are some great jokes in Bart vs. Australia. I laugh just thinking about Homer singing the Star Spangled Banner as the embassy toilet reverses the Coriolis effect.* Gold! And the begining where Marge sees Bart trying to combat the Coriolis effect on his home toilet and Marge tells him to use the plunger (thinking he is prodding a turd down). Pure Gold! Knifey spooney – sucks.

Geez, I find most of those episodes awful and there’s some on there that convinced me to stop watching. I guess it’s true, all Australians really are drunk. :wink:

I think it was My Country 'Tis Of Thee.

yeah I think you’re right “Of thee I sing”

I used to be a HARDCORE hardcore Simpsons fan. And starting with season 9, I left all that behind and declared the show dead (although it wasn’t until season 11 that I stopped watching completely), so my top 8 comes from seasons 4-8 entirely.

  1. In Marge We Trust - better known as the Mr Sparkle episode, but the baboon battle with Lovejoy at the end is classic too. Probably the very last Simpsons episode that really made me laugh hard.

  2. Lisa’s Rival - despite the name, this episode is probably better known for having the most Ralph non-sequiters in the history of the show. I bent my wookie!

  3. Homer the Vigilante - The best of the wacky Homer episodes. Dig up, stupid!

  4. Treehouse of Horror V (The Shinning, Time & Punishment, Nightmare Cafeteria) - the best of the Halloween episodes. What’s a donut?

  5. Marge on the Lam - my most quoted Simpsons episode. Oooh, the ballet!

  6. Homie the Clown - most of it is dumb humor, but I probably laugh harder at this episode than any other Simpsons episode in history. Klown Kollege? You can’t eat that!

  7. Marge vs the Monorail - Not only does it make fun of mass transit as a end-all solution to traffic problems, it has Homer at his stupidest. I call the big one bitey!

  8. Last Exit to Springfield - DENTAL PLAN! LISA NEEDS BRACES! That’s-a-nice-a donut! Is he coming onto me? 23rd door on the left! Be a dear and rub my legs until the paramedics arrive. Look at them through the darkness I’m bringing, they’re not sad at all, they’re actually singing! Without the doubt, the funniest Simpsons episode ever made, with a great variety of the show’s best kinds of humor, and that’s the tooth!

Fox 5 WNYW in New York had viewers vote online for their favorite episodes- WNYW picked one episode from every season, and had viewers pick their top 5, which will air at 7pm each night. Tonight’s episode is “The Springfield Files” from Season 8, which I guess was #5.

As for my favorite episode, I don’t know. It depends on my mood. Keep watching the skis…er, skies.

I quite like the Bart vs. Australia episode. It’s not the best, but it’s got some good stuff. I don’t know where the little Dutc… erm… Australian boy came from. That accent was weird, but his dad’s was good (as a caricatured one).

But the episode itself contained a few moments that were utter gems (and not so much things like knifey-spooney). The US Embassy guard was great, I loved the patriotic American toilet, and the “Wolombolo Dirt Monument”. Also the postage stamps with “Celebrating 30 years of electricity”. As is usual with the Simpsons, it was the little stuff that made it good.

What, no love for Itchy and Scratchyland? That’s one of my all time faves. A double skewering of Jurassic Park and DisneyLand, what could be better? Just like 22 Short Stories About Springfield is an awesome parody of Pulp Fiction. (“Do they [McDonald’s] have Krusty Partially Gelatinated, Non-Dairy Gum-Based Beverages”? “Uh-huh. They call 'em shakes.” “Hmph. Shakes. You don’t know what you’re getting!”)

From Professor Frink forgetting “to carry the one” when telling everybody how they have 24 hours before the robots run amok as predicted by “elementary Chaos theory”… To the lines “How were you a political prisoner? – I kicked a giant mouse in the butt, do I have to draw you a diagram?”… Or “Roger Meyers Sr., the gentle genius behind Itchy and Scratchy, loved and cared about almost all the peoples of the world. And he, in turn, was beloved by the world… Except in 1938, when he was criticized for his controversial cartoon, Nazi Supermen Are Our Superiors.”

Deep Space Homer is right next to it in start-to-end gold. “You’ve both worked very hard, and in a way, you’re both winners. But in another, more accurate way, Barney is the winner.”

Burns Verkaufen Der Kraftwerk is another favorite (bad German notwithstanding, since I don’t really know German anyway). The Land of Chocolate dream sequence alone is classic, plus his performance review answers (“You have been safety inspector for over three years, what initiatives have you spearheaded in that time?” “Uh… All of them?”) And then having the systematic Germans announce layoffs over the loudspeaker in alphabetical order: “Simpson, Homer. That is all.”

I’m snorting as I type!

D’oh, some of my favorite Homerisms came from Bart Simpson’s Dracula…

“Lisa, Vampires are just make-believe, just like Elves, Gremlins and Eskimos”

“Oh Lisa, you and your stories, ‘Bart is a Vampire, beer kills brain cells’, now lets go back to that…building…thingy…where our beds and TV…is”

“Kill my boss!? I DARE live out the American Dream?”

Grandpa (with stake and mallet in hand): Quick! We have to kill the boy!
Lisa: How’d you know Bart’s become a vampire?
Grandpa: Bart’s a vampire? Aaaaah! (drops stake and mallet and flees)

Dentist: How often do you brush, Ralph?
Ralph: Three times a day, sir.
Dentist (scowling): Why must you turn my office into a house of lies?
Ralph: All right, I don’t brush… I don’t brush!
Dentist: Let’s look at a picture book… The Big Book of British Smiles.

OOH! SuperFunHappySlide!