Australia decides.... the 8 greatest Simpsons Episodes Ever

I love these two episodes.

One of my favorite bits from Deep Space Homer is Homer’s monologue about missing meeting Mr. T and how “Well, I’m not to let that happen again, Marge! I’m going into space!”

As for Burns Verkaufen. . .

Just the moment after the Germans have the plant where you see the American flag run down and the German go up. You hear Carl say, “Thats’ not good.” A small moment, but it slays me.

Excruciatingly unfunny. How could it cut too close to the bone? Have you ever spent any time in Australia?

The best treehouse of horror imo is the third one, the ep with Krusty the Evil Doll, King Homer and the zombies it was on tv last night, favourite quotes from memory

Grandpa: That dolls evil I tells ya. Eeevil! EeeVIIIILLL!

Marge: Grandpa you said that about all the presents

Grandpa: (sadly) I just want attention.
Homers flailing around with the Krusty doll on his head which is trying to kill him

Homer: Look Marge!

Marge: Oh my god!

Homer: Thedollstryingtokillmeandthetoastersbeenlaughingatme!!


One thing that always bothered me slightly was that the writers and show runners never fully mined the obvious rich source of yuks: a Simpsons vacation in Canada. Oh, I know that they did the Toronto thing–but it was two or three one-liners, and a reference to cheap drugs for Grandpa and that was it.

I thought that coming up here was still pretty much the default “foreign” country holiday (or was in the 50s-60s-70s) for the working-lower-middle class?

Anyway, by very odd coincidence, a co-worker returned an old 3.5 floppy that he found with notes I made for a never-written Simpsons episode (must have done this circa 1996), with ideas for their visit up here. Since I believe the show doesn’t take unsolicited manuscripts (and who could blame them?), herewith my raw notes–and I make no apologies for the semi-crappiness of any ideas therein. (And looking it over, wow–there’s a lot of very dated references!)

"Simpsons’ Summer Vacation


-Homer chugging bottle of Quebec maple syrup; speaks French after (chance for hidden weirdness with Joual dialect?); wants to go to “land of maple,” (which he thinks is Norway, but will settle for Canada after correction from Lisa.

-Parody AAA: cheap holidays in non-threatening country that speaks english sort of thing?

-Descriptions of Canada as “kind of like ______, but less-threatening” (Nebraska, Michigan?)

-Border crossing business: dumpsters for US citizens to put guns, mace, etc.

-Airport/border Mountie business: in regular patrol uniform, US visitors (Homer?) refuse to believe he’s RCMP; cop sighs and puts on Stetson hat, red serge, horse

-Canadian show biz/TV conspiracy to take over US? Appearance/reference by/to Bob & Doug, Alex Trebek, Michael J Fox, Alanis Morrisette, Celine Dion, Ashley McIssac, Morley Safer, Peter Jennings, Scud Stud Kent, Mary Pickford, Rich Little, Alan Thicke, Neil Young, Brian Adams Margot Kidder, Lorne Michaels, Dan Ackroyd, k.d. Laing, Gretsky, suggestion: Troy Maclure actually Canadian?

-Locations: Ottawa (tour guide emphasis boring “peace, order & good government”; “exciting” story of Canadian West (boring) Chretien appearance ?)

-Quebec culture issues: *Homer discovers poutine–his perfect food, steals one of those vans from Parliament Hill? Horseback Mountie chase?

maple syrup trees, etc.

French/English signs

-Banff National Park (underground HQ for celeb consipracy?) Michael J. Fox as the mastermind?

-Newfoundland references? Cod flipper pie, seal tounge; chance for Lisa environmental outrage (baby seal fur presents given to her by local Inuit who depend on hunting for living?)

-Lisa business: animals, socialized medicine, pollution on US side of border stops miraculously at 49th parallel?, p.c. names (“First Nations”, “Inuit”, etc. start to get on her nerves;

Reference to Canadian Militia burning White House in 1813? Canadian spellings?

-Canadian money business: change US quarter for pile of Can bills?

-Bart business: trouble with Queen, affects inappropriate UK accent, starts saying oot and aboot?
-gives RCMP Musical Ride new game plan: spell out “Bite Me”; Disney lawyer?

-Marge business: unable to find anything to clean? Excessive Canadian politeness gets on her nerves?

-More Homer business: beer stronger, tastes different (weird brand names opportunity)

-Beaver jokes as risque reference?
-American tourist schtick: “flag comes in different colours?”, etc.

-Grandpa refuses to go because of 1813? Turned back because of arrest back in 1930s for running booze* into* Canada?

-sign at border “Longest Undefended Border in World” followed by list of US invasions of Canada?

-Itchy/Scratchy Canadian. Version (i.e., nice? One French, one English?)
The Simpson Summer Vacation ‘98

SCENE: Nuclear power plant, late Spring. LENNY and CARL are discussing vacation plans in the lunchroom.

Carl: “…and then, after the hang gliding resort in Borneo, I’m spending the last two weeks of vacation with an archeological expedition in the Gobi desert. What about you?”

Lenny: “Ahh just the usual—a week scuba diving in the Galapagos, and then the Paris to Istanbul vintage car rally.”

(HOMER enters during this exchange)

Lenny: “Hey Homey, what’ve you got planned for summer vacation—some serious couch hockey followed by a little hammock bowling?”

(Lenny and Carl laugh)

Homer (with air of superiority):

“As a matter of fact Lenny, I’m planning on exposing the kids to some of our nation’s most important cultural and historic sites!”

(Homer imagines family frolicking in sludgy brown river. Pull back to reveal large factory on horizon, sign nearby with “Welcome to Hershey, PA”). Cut back to lunchroom.

Homer (dreamily):
“Mmmmm—industrial confection goo.”

So Monday night’s was Springfield Files (I approve), Tuesday’s was “HOMR” (technically, the R should be backwards–and I most certainly don’t approve)…what was today’s? Anyone see?