Are you guys on the coastal areas being affected battened down?
There’s a cyclone now? Ah well, hopefully I’m inland enough, and could do with the rain anyway.
Wait, Cairns and Townsville? Hell yes I’m inland (and southland) far enough. :smack:
And one more post for a trifecta: are there actually any dopers in far north Queensland? I can’t think of any off the top of my head, and tend to notice people that are from closer to home.
Send it this way. We need the rain too.
Have you guys ever experienced a 100+ mph storm? I went through a storm that was cat 2 at worst last year, and we’re still recovering. And it came ashore on the other side of the state.
I’d wish for more drought, if this is the way to get rain.
I’d wish for rain after the drought we’ve had. And yes, I have been through a number of cyclones- if you live in North Queensland long enough you are bound to experience one or more.
Holy shit, the winds are gusting to 280 kph with a 2 metre surge. That’s not yer average storm.
Blimey, it’s as big as Katrina and just made landfall.
I can’t remember any Dopers being from northern Queensland. And those in the south of the state aren’t likely to be inconvenienced very much by this cyclone.
It’s worth pointing out to the OP, and to others who are used to American or European geography, just how large Australian states are. Queensland is about 10% larger than Alaska, almost 3 times the size of Texas, and about 20 times the size of Ireland.
Silentgoldfish, in Brisbane, is about 1,000 miles away from Innisfail, where the cyclone made landfall. That’s about the distance from Miami to Baltimore.
I hope all are well in the areas mentioned.
I must admit my ignorance. I didn’t really grasp the scale of the areas you have listed here, much to my embarrassment.
Consider a victory against ignorance.
Yeah, I’m also glad to hear about the scales. Good luck to you guys, regardless.
Beautiful sunny day today, and no rain predicted for the rest of the week.
Freaky. It’s like they live on Niven’s Ringworld or something.
The cyclone has moved inland now and has been downgraded to a category three.
Just about this time last year, I was in the region that the cyclone is hitting. On holiday of course, but it was absolutely grouse and I fantasised about living there permanently.
Not now. My prayers and good wishes are with the people of North Qld, regardless of whether the cyclone is rated at a 2 or 4 or 5 or whatever.
Take care folks.
Grouse? I’ve never heard that word before. I looked it up in the dictionary and it’s not in there (as an adjective. There is an entry for it as a noun/verb as “complaint/complain” and another for a type of bird).
I take it it’s something you Aussies say?
It means great, fantastic.
Ah, humble apologies for my use of the Bogan Australianism (Grouse) when I should have said *triffic!! *
Still, watching the news just now, the cyclone has done some massive damage to communities in the north. I wish them ‘grouse’ tidings.
I was going to say, the Cyclone is over 1,000kms from where I am, but I would not want to be anywhere north of, say, Bundaberg about now…
(anyone else got an amusing image of the Bundy Bear getting hit by a flying Palm Tree whilst trying to flog Bundy Rum to Cyclone Survivors? )