Auto Spell Check in Excel?

Is there a way to turn on spell check in Excel so that it automatically checks spelling as you type? I recently had to reload Excel, and I seem to recall (although I could be wrong) that it used to auto spell check, but now it doesn’t-- I have to click on the spell check button to do so. I looked in HELP, and I didn’t find anything that said there was a way to do so. I also went through the obvious menu buttons (like “Options” under “Tools”).

I have Excel 2002 (10.3506.3501) SP-1.


These are from the help file for Excel 2003:

  1. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options.

  2. On the AutoCorrect tab, do any of the following:

a)To allow or prevent specific corrections, select or clear the corresponding check box for the option.

b)To allow or prevent all automatic corrections, select or clear the Replace text as you type check box.

I think 2b is what you’re looking for.

Yeah, I saw that. The box indicated in 2b is checked, so I figure that’s not it. Unless it’s supposed to be unchecked…? I’ll try it and see.

So your saying 2b or not 2b, that is the question.

The option described by **UncleBeer **is not spell check, like what Word does (squiggly line under misspelled words). It is autocorrect–it will automatically change a misspelling to a correct spelling based on the list of autocorrect words. I have Excel 2003 and there is no way to do dynamic spell checking like Word. You can, however, do a manual spell check on demand (F7).

I love it. Shakespeare translated into Texting English. The Bard would probably approve!

Thanks. I wasn’t sure if my memory was correct, so I guess it was faulty afterall.