I am all for this myself. I consider myself a good driver, but I don’t find it fun or relaxing (except on a dead country road), and get stressed easy. I would much rather read a book or surf WiMax while going from point A to point B. (especially long drives cross country - drive at night and sleep, wake up and you are there)
Some people have concerns about safety, but I think the switch off would be a decrease in accidents. Of course there are those that would want to ban it if one computer malfunctioned and somebody died, forget the fact that several people die in the US every day in car accidents due to human error.
What are some thoughts on if this will happen some day? Do you think it is inevitable? Do you look forward to it, or do you think it is fantasy?
I know there are many people that love driving and are very good at it, and those people might resent having a computer control their car, but what if you can turn it on and off at certain times/places?
What do you feel about this, would you ever use it? Would you resent being forced to use something like this in rush hour traffic?
I would love to see positive feelings, but I want to hear the negative comments too and why you have them. Everybody I have asked (not that many really) has liked it, but didn’t think it would ever happen. I think it is inevitable. Technology is moving in that direction and since so many people are lazy (like me) and or don’t like driving, I think there will be quite a few people taking up the idea.