would anyone know where i can find a chart/picture/listing of where the vacuum lines in a 1986 pontiac sunbird are supposed to run? its not pictured in my manual
nor can i seem to find it in a web search. (i ask too many automotive questions )
Look around under the hood. They used to be on a piece of paper stuck to the inside of the hood along with the belt routing diagram. Otherwise a Haynes or Chilton manual for your car will probably have it.
As long as you get every vacuum port going somewhere or plugged up, and everything that needs vacuum gets it, you’ll probably be close enough. Hunt down all of the ports and connectors and make sure nothing is open, then see what doesn’t work when you’re done. That’s worked every time I’ve tried it.
I should probably mention that I’m just a back yard tinkerer and not a professional mechanic, but that’s probably obvious by now anyway.