Avatar (Pre-release speculation)

Are you serious? Do you take every single marketing tagline as the Gospel truth? Do you become enraged when a comedy is marketed as “the greatest comedy of the year” but you think it’s really only the 3rd greatest?

I don’t even care that much about the film or what’ll it change or whether or not it’s an event, but the attitudes in this thread (and the other thread on the exact same topic) are absolutely mind-boggling.

Nailed it. It’s bizarre, isn’t it? I have no stake in this game–I’ve actually avoided all the trailers, by design, so I have almost no expectations going in (besides it being a James Cameron flick, whose movies I’ve generally enjoyed).

It seems a lot of people have already formed a verdict of the movie before having even seen it. I’m fine with people not being interested in it, but to parrot the opinions of others without having the film defies logic.

But you do have a stake in it, because you’re adults who have decided to see a movie for kids and teenagers and you need to justify that to yourself, so you’re hanging your hat on what a groundbreaking film experience this is supposed to be.

Wow… :rolleyes:

Aren’t you some kind of anime/Nintendo fanboy?

It’s almost three hours long – only a hashish-eater’s ass can endure such a thing with no discomfort.

But you said you don’t go to see Pixar movies (besides a few early ones, I’m guessing), so how would you know?

I actually stated earlier–in this very thread, no less–that I don’t like anime…if you’re going to pigeonhole/poison the well fallacy me, at least get the basics right.

Your SN is MOIDALIZE, jus’ sayin’.

Who said anything about gospel truth? The “theatre experience” is damn expensive nowadays and I can’t see every movie in the theatre that I would like to. So I have to pick and choose and, again, everything I have seen from Avatar makes it seem like a stinker. The fact that a lot of the reviews confirm it (while others parrot the “This movie will change everything” marketing line) does not instill confidence in me.

Or were you mad at all the people who decided they had no interest in Transformers 2 too?

You’re right, I should wait. But that reviewer nailed everything I’ve been feeling about Avatar from the trailers and the pre-release hype. If he still feels that way after seeing, I’m very worried Avatar won’t even be a quarter as amazing as its cracked up to be (by the marketing folks, but still).

No, nobody needs to wait. It’s just another overhyped movie. We don’t need to seriously analyze it or objectively argue the potential merits of this fine piece of cinema. If people are annoyed by the hard sell of the marketing and decide to write it off, that’s a perfectly legitimate decision. Why do the people who plan on seeing it find that so objectionable? Do you really need us to validate your decision? Go watch it if you want, but don’t sit here scratching your heads wondering “Gee, why won’t people just give this a chance? It just doesn’t make sense.”

What’s with this idea that science fiction/fantasy only appeals to children and Comic Book Guy-style adults who exist in a state of arrested development? It’s a BS argument that adds nothing to the discussion.

I’m not mad at anybody in this thread. I’m boggled.

For example, I had no intention of seeing Transformers 2. I think Michael Bay is an asshole, I don’t have any interest in robots (even ones that are robots in disguise) and the annual big-blockbuster-blow-everything-up extravaganza doesn’t interest me in the slightest. I had pretty objective reasons to pass on the film, and judging by the reactions of people who did see it, I made the right choice. However, to my knowledge (and I grant I could be misremembering) I never posted in any threads about how awful it clearly was. Furthermore, I didn’t participate in several threads about how awful it was sight unseen. And finally, I didn’t post in threads specifically to insult or be snide with people who did plan to see it (like MOIDALIZE as the most recent but far from only example).

The reactions I’ve seen to the * existence* of this movie is the sort of over-the-top response I would expect from people who were * tricked* into viewing Twilight or The Happening.

Yeah, this thread, the one we’re in right now? This was the first question asked:

Many of us have explained why we are not excited and why we will not be seeing it, because the thread asked for our opinion. If this were the “Avatar enthusiasts unite!” thread, I might understand your puzzlement.

Right, and one of the questions wasn’t “How would you define the characteristics of others who do want to see the film,” much as you have done… repeatedly.

It’s just weird that people are offended by a Sci Fi blockbuster and so passionately want to see it fail. That to me is evidence that it will do well. A proportion of the haters will see the movie just so they can tell everyone else how cool their prognostication was.

That it inspires so much passion tells me a lot of people will see it.

It’s no more a ‘Kid’s Movie’ than Die Hard. If such films are so beneath you, why do you even bother discussing it? Isn’t there a Documentary on Rwanda or something you could be viewing instead of participating in this discussion of a film that’s beneath you?

OK, but not everybody in this thread is angered by the film’s existance. In fact, few are. And even MOIDALIZE is rightly pointing out that saying we don’t want to see it and here’s why (which includes the exessive hype) is not some crazy notion.

So do you also agree with MOIDALIZE that it’s a “movie for kids and teenagers” without having seen it? And that being an “anime/Nintendo fanboy” (whether that’s an apt label or not) apparently somehow factors into this? I mean, you’re a Nintendo fan, right? By his logic, you should be loving this movie, as well as your opinion evidently becoming invalid…

It does when you indignantly question the disinterest of those who don’t want to see it just because it happens to be your shiny pop culture obsession of the moment.

Fuck no. That’s drunk posting (or possibly trolling) at its purest. Alien dragons plus walking mecha with massive machine guns times James “Nuke it from orbit” Cameron should be a formula for pure awesome.

Again, fuck no. My movie tastes run the schlockier the better. I love big dumb action movies. But there’s a line and, like Transformers 2, Avatar looks too dumb. There are legitimate reasons to think Avatar isn’t worth seeing, that’s all I’m saying.