Avatar (Pre-release speculation)

If that’s what you’ve inferred (which doesn’t surprise me, seeing as you made up the fact that I like anime), then you clearly have not understood what I’ve written. I’m not questioning those who are disinterested, hence why I’ve replied to few others aside from you. Instead, I take issue with your blanket statements in an apparent attempt to discredit those who may actually be interested in the film.

And obsession? Please…can you please stop making stuff in order to support your argument (if it can even be called that).

Then what do you call this:


Cool, just clarifying :slight_smile: I was just thrown off by your apparent defense of MOIDALIZE, who’s utilizing some shady “debate” tactics.

Especially since I often agree with a lot of what you post.

“Yeah, I totally have no stake in this, but what the hell is wrong with everyone?!”

Are you serious? I mean, really? Did you not read what you just quoted?

  • "I’m fine with people not being interested in it, but to parrot the opinions of others without having the film defies logic."*

(bolded for emphasis…and readability)

There’s nothing contradictory about that. There are now two separate huge threads on this film when it hasn’t even opened yet, which I think is bizarre. I’m going to see it because I think the effects look cool, but I don’t expect the story to be anything special, and I don’t like how the advertising for it has taken over everything on FOX, even to the point where last week’s episode of **Bones **was basically an hour long promo for the film.

Really? Is it pre-empting your favorite commercial?

Did you see the recent episode of Bones? The secondary plot was the squints trying to get tickets to Avatar, waiting outside the theater, people in make-up as the Na’vi (!?), etc. They even showed part of the trailer *within *the episode as the characters watched it on a big screen TV, and talked about how it was best thing they’ve ever seen and it’s so amazing, etc.

I have watched two different trailers, and can only go by the impressions those left in me.

I suspect the film is overhyped. I suspect it might be weak (that is to say, simplistic) in the plot department. I may rent it (and seeing it 2D), but going to a movie theatre is usually not my cup of tea.

Therefore, if it is deeper than that, I would be pleasantly surprised. Even if it’s not a deep movie, it might be fun to see (just like last May’s Star Trek reboot).

I can forgive plot faults if the action is fun to watch.

I couldn’t stand to watch more than the first few episodes of Bones. That does sound like a pretty egregious case of offensive corporate “synergizing,” and is exactly the sort of thing that would dampen my enthusiasm. Just when you thought that the Bones writing staff couldn’t *possibly *insult the intelligence of their audience any more…

Callow promotion is one thing, though - and the hype surrounding Avatar is a little beyond that. The hype from disinterested parties is justifiable.

By which I mean to say that I think that it’ll deliver on the promise of an unprecedented spectacle. I am not much of a theatre-goer - it takes a spectacle to drag me out. I am planning to see Avatar on the opening week-end (Sunday) - ordinarily I would rather pass a kidney stone than brave opening week-end crowds for a movie. Hell, I’ll take a sharp blow to the testicles over going to a theatre on a regular week-end, unless it’s right at the end of a run. I can’t freaking wait for this.

I said I don’t GO to see them. I have a magic box in my house that accepts round disks that play the movies on the tv for me right in my living room. The only Pixar movies I haven’t at least attempted to sit through are Cars and Up.

Sorry, that came across as snakier than I intended. I was just curious, as more recent Pixar films are quite different to their early few. That aside, good call on skipping Cars :stuck_out_tongue:

Just back from a screening.

I saw a 3 min HD clip on xboxlive and all the trailers. None of them do it justice. It is the most amazing looking movie I’ve ever seen. There are images in it that just take your breath away.

The story is pretty straight forward but it gets the job done and hits the right balance of lighthearted comedy, specticle and tense action.

The action is handled expertly as you’d expect from Cameron.

There are things I could grumble about but I’d really only be picking nits.

The 3D didn’t blow my skirt up all that much but it wasn’t horrible either. I’ll be going to see it in 2D on the biggest screen in the country over the weekend. It will be interesting to see the difference.

All in all, I loved it.

You will forgive the faults then :wink:

yojimbo, I would have gone along had I known you were heading to it. Sounds great.

I just came back from a 3D screening.

Holy schamoly, that was amazing! I think a lot of the things many people were anticipating and complaining about are completely unfounded. The 3D is great, the CGI is virtually seamless, and the tree-hugging plot rarely dominates, and is handled as a macguffin.

Not that it’s any guarantee you’ll all like it, but if you go in open-minded I expect you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

You or yojimbo should start another thread, and specify in the OP that the thread is ONLY for those who have seen the film, and point a link to this or the other thread for those who want to act like pouty little girls because some people are excited about and want to see this.

Here’s an interesting blog from Roger Ebert about Avatar. This part mentions the “embargo” but I especially like the last paragraph:

For those who are afraid the Na’vi will look too weird, or the 3D will overwhelm the plot…

Why are you so combative about the fact that some people think it looks terrible?

Why? I wanted people to discuss their views about the film whether or not they enjoyed it. Just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean it has to be shuffled off away from view were only opinions you agree with are discussed (wouldn’t that be kinda boring? “Looks like we are in agreement then!”). I’m sure there are going to be people who will see the movie and not like it. That’s fine I’m sure its not for everyone but I can’t wait to see it especially after people came straight back to this thread saying it was amazing.