I have just managed to hatch an avocado stone; a healthy red stalk has emerged from the huge seed after weeks of waiting and watering on the top of my radiator.
What troubles me is that I have read in ‘The Pip Book’ that when the stalk reaches 6 inches, I should lop off the top, with all its budding foliage, to prevent it growing into a tree, keeping it houseplant size.
My question is whether this is really a good idea. The last thing I want to do is murder my firstborn by decapitation, as it were…
If there are leaves below where you cut it, it should begin to branch. However, avocados are usually pretty big trees, unless they are a dwarf variety (They can get to 80 feet). They’re also fast growers as well. The best types to grow in containers are dwarf types.
Avocado’s taste very good. It’s it a California or Florida avacado? Is it in water with the tooth picks?
To be honest, I find avocado flesh a bit strange and waxy for my liking; I just wanted to grow one. As for the origin, I have no idea - would avocados bought in England come from Usa? And I decided to grow it in wet soil on my radiator in a plastic bag, having seen my flat-mate’s tooth-picked one shrivel to resemble the Emperor’s head.
And thanks Doobieous - there were some tiny little sproutings further down the stem - I chopped the top off this morning, assuming nobody would respond to this thread…so cheers
I’m just hoping it is a dwarf version, as I don’t want some sort of ‘Jumanji’-style overgrowth problem in my house, for fear of Robin Williams popping up .