Avril Lavigne Therapy Session

Here is a quote by Avril Lavigne:

“Sometimes I feel like my guitar is my therapist.” -A. Lavigne

So, I thought what would one of Ms. Lavigne’s sessions be like? Well, think it might go something like this.

Avril: I feel so angst filled.
Guitar: Maybe you should get a hobby.
Avril: That’s sounds like a good idea. Any suggestions?
Guitar. Yeah. Why don’t you learn how to fucking play me?


Well, I thought it was pretty funny…

My guitar is cracking up right now. So am I:D

In her song Skater Boy, shouldn’t someone tell her that when your boyfriend is singing songs about girls he wanted to date but never got the chance to date, it means your relationship is in trouble?

Surely, you must mean “Sk8er Boi.” It’s a good title because it tells you right in the name what to expect (i.e., not much).

I’ve only heard the song on the radio. But the whole ‘story’ of the song just bothers me.

The singer is basically putting down this other girl who at one point wanted to date the singers current boyfriend. He wanted to date this other girl as well. (this was a few years ago) Now that time has past everything is reversed. The ‘ballet girl’ (presumably upper-class) is now some sort of un-wed mother. While the ‘loser skater boy’ (sorry sk8ter boi) is now a rich rock star. The singer of the song is now enjoying the benifits of having sex with a rock star because she saw the value of the sk8ter boi when he was still this unknown punk. BUT the sk8ter boi is obviously still hung up on ballet girl because he is recording songs about her.

What gets me about Avril Lavigne is when she calls herself a punk. Yeah, that necktie just screams “anarchy”. Maybe one night, young Avril will be visited by the ghosts of Nancy Spungeon, Wendy O. Williams, and Kristen Pfaff who will show her the True Spirit of Punk.

Lavinge is just another corporate vessel created so that said corporations can make money of teenagers’ desire to rebel.

Of course, when I explain this to the high school girls I teach, they reply, “Nuh-uh.”

I always praise the students who listen to “older” music like Sabbath, the Beatles, etc.

Students who primarily listen to older music are taking the easy way out as well. They think that if they listen to the music of their forefathers they will gain acceptance into a community much older and wiser than themselves. In reality, they are just as scared of straying from the norm as those who only listen to “corporate” music (some of which is actually quite good, despite what underground music afficianados may say). The issue really isn’t that big of a deal, though it does bring up some interesting socio-psychological insights. I find that most people my age (18 and in high school in general) use music to gain acceptance to certain social groups, and thus end up listening to what they think they should listen to, and missing out on a lot of great stuff they might actually dig. How I love over-anylization of mundane topics. Peace.

Obviously you haven’t seen the video where she rides a skateboard (Sk8board?).

Her success has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that she’s really freaking hot. In fact no current trendy pop artist’s success is based in any way whatsoever on their looks. Especially not Avril’s.


Are you seriously suggesting that these rose petal lips are attractive? Or that these eyes could mezmerize an innocent bystander? Or that she is present a target that you would love to aim for? Yeah you’re right, she’s pretty good looking.

I don’t like her music, but I can see why it is successful in the pop charts. Maybe she can use that to bank-roll an album of what she’s really about: punk rock! She’s a rocker; she rocks out.

:: Duff Man:: Oh yeah! ::/Duff Man::

One hit wonder trying to stir up controversy to generate interest. Sad really.

I like Avril, I think she has talent, and I think she is more punk then any of those underground, anarachy, I don’t want to be on MTV, no mainstream, your not punk unless you know who Nancy Spungeon, Wendy O. Williams, and Kristen Pfaff are, kind of people.

Is teeming indulging in some sarcasm and irony? I do hope so.

…teeming, the worthiness of being “punk” aside, do you actually know what the term means?

I honestly don’t know what the term punk really means. I only know the definition given to me by the punk people I know. According to them someone punk is a person who doesn’t coform with the rest of society.

I didn’t conform enough to punk nonconformity to be called a punk.