How did this film end up so bad? Its a genuinely interesting story and has Al goddamned Pacino on board. Its basically unwatchably awful.
- I realize it’s Amazon Prime not Netflix. It’s still really really bad though.
I had never heard of the movie or the term (I guess it’s like the German version of Tokyo Rose?). It does sound interesting. What did you dislike about the film?
I was skeptical of your post until I Rotten Tomatoed it.
14%. Woof.
Why would the minor story about Axis Sally’s capture be banner headlines?
Why would she be arrested by two combat infantrymen?
TL;DR: five minutes in, gave it up as stupid history.
Axis Sally was not a minor figure in the European war, and it took several months and a lot of detective work to find her in West Berlin after the war. She was eventually convicted of treason against the US (the first woman to have that distinction) for her propaganda broadcasts designed to lower the morale of US troops.
That sounds like it could have made a decent story, I have no idea why the movie was so bad, not having watched it.
The acting, the script and the plot mainly
At this point in Al Pacino’s career, him being in it pretty much ensures it will be unwatchably bad.
Looking over his filmography it’s pretty clear he’s not particularly discriminating when it comes to which projects he accepts. Seems like if he has the time, he’ll do it. Work is work, I suppose.
Yes…and he makes said project worse by his presence. He simultaneously overpowers every other actor and chews scenery while also looking like a guy mailing it in with a tired schtick. It’s pure unadulterated cringe.
By the looks of the picture that was posted of him, he might just be eligible for the “ya just plain can’t look at” thread.