[b]beagledave[/b] I'm sorrry

My post was childish. You’re right that I will never find a reputable medical site that would claim a zygote is not alive. But in my defence, I don’t believe any reputable medical site would/should ever dive into such a philosophical realm, its not their place. We got off on a bad foot, and I hope we can put this behind us.

But here in the pit, I’ve love to hash out a few beefs I have:

1.) If you presented to a physician an infant, no heartbeat, no brain function, no response to stimulus, and had been that way for 4 weeks, would that infant be declared dead? If we’re going to say embryo=baby, how are we going to overlook this problem?

2.) I agree with you that its wrong to say all pro-lifers kill doctors. But is it equally wrong to say that all pro-choicers are baby killers?

And can’t we agree that the Packer’s Suck?

Of course they suck, jar. Any right-thinking American knows they suck. You just won’t find me saying that anywhere in the confines of the State of Wisconsin. They drink beer, eat cheese, and I can only assume that they’d lock me in a room with a Cheesehead with bad gas. It’s worse than any torture the Iraqis can come up with.


Do know how heavy those damn things are? Thick necks down Wisconsin way.

  1. Thanks for the apology.

  2. At the risk of actually discussing something in the Pit, ummm, you unrepentant flinger of monkey dung :wink: , I’m surprised that there are still folks who claim that an embryo or zygote is not “alive”. Indeed, I’ve been chastised by pro choice folks in the past for re-making that point. (I’ve had several pro choice folks post that "no one claims that the zygote or embryo or fetus is not alive). Anywho, if you want cites…this essay has several cites from standard genetics, embryology and biology texts.

  3. I never claimed that it was o.k. to say that all pro-choicers are baby killers. Actually, I’ve never called any pro choicer a “baby killer”. Regardless of my feelings on the issue, that kind of language does nothing to make a point IMHO. So I’m not sure why your point was directed at me.

However, you may wish to take that particular issue up with pro choicer zwaldd. He/she claimed (in that thread you linked to) that unless we thought of abortion providers as engaging in murder, and actively supported or engaged in violence against them…we were being hypocrites, liars or evil pacifists.