< just a rant>
December, “the fact that boys get chosen disproportionately” in China is not really a problem, the fact that they are “chosen” by leaving unwanted female children to die in the street or in orphanages is.
<rant over>
Centrifuging spunk ,which is all this technique is, for the purposes of sex-determination is much less unethical than aborting an unwanted foetus. Unwanted, that is, because of it’s gender. All science is doing is removing a BIT more of the uncertainty.
I don’t have a problem with people wanting to have eg a girl in order to avoid haemophilia or DMD, but when you say “I’ll have a boy, and then a girl, and then twin girls, non-identical, etc” it all gets a bit selfish and warped.
Children are not for the purpose of accessorising a lifestyle, they are not the property of their parents (not that i’m not pro-choice)and it is wrong to treat them as such. Nor is it ethical to allow STEREOTYPED and OUTDATED preconceptions of gender to determine medical practice.
I mean, imagine this conversation.
“Mummy and Daddy love you very much, and we decided you would be a boy, if on the off-chance the technology didn’t work and you were a girl, we would have aborted you and tried again”
Re-inforces that message of unconditional parental love, doesn’t it.

This is supposed to be the one certainty in life, that no matter what you do, or who you are, or what you look like your mother still loves you.
Doesn’t always work out like that…but still, it’s an ideal that should be preserved.
I should be able to accept that my son is gay, or a criminal, or an addict, or heaven help me, a lawyer

But I’m supposed to find it unacceptable that my son is a girl?