New exciting challenging job, meaning new exciting challenging information must be assimilated.
I have reached the point in my life where I know that it’s okay to nod my head and say “Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh” even when I’m not getting all of it. In fact, I’ve been encouraged to do so by all of my co-workers and my boss. (Oops, she hates “boss” - read “manager”.) They all say it is the only way to learn my job. Take what you can get, move on, it’ll make sense sometime soon.
I do reach the point (usually 3:45 PM) when my head is full. I am in that place where not even a tiny bit of it is getting in. I am a hypocrite unless I stop the flow of information.
“Okay, that’s it. I truly appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me but I am just beyond any level of comprehension right now. Can we continue this tomorrow?”
“Cant, it’s so easy. Just look at it this way…”
“You don’t understand. You lost me five minutes ago. It took me that long to realize that I’m full. Let me get back to you tomorrow.”
I walk back to my desk and try to absorb what I’ve heard that does make sense.
My cubemate and friend walks up with a smile on her face. “Hey Cant, listen: all you need to remember is that X and Y will happen when Z is balanced and the fourth digit…”
“Please. It doesn’t matter how nicely or simply it’s explained, there is NO ROOM IN MY HEAD FOR THIS!”
“You know, you don’t have to ‘get’ everything as soon as you hear it. Just take what you can get, move on, it’ll make sense sometime soon.”