Back the FUCK off of my kiddos, pedo-creep!

This year, because of budgetary reasons, the 6th grade teachers at my middle school (of which I am one) teach PE two days a week. I don’t mind; it’s fun getting my little 11yros out there to play basketball or whatnot.

But it has opened my eyes to an ugly side of teaching PE at my middle school. Apparently, creeps like to pull over on the road next to where the kids play, and just…watch. Sometimes they catcall. They leave whenever they see the PE teachers picking up their Nextels. FUCKERS. These are CHILDREN. My students are freakin’ eleven, and they LOOK it.

I didn’t know this until I spoke with the regular PE teachers. Instead, I got to see it first hand. This afternoon, I was hanging back in the shade observing the games when I noticed Mr. Creepy Fucker sitting in his beat-up Buick parked on the road right next to the PE court, which are at the edge of the school property line. My spider sense was tingling, so I started just walking up to see if it was vacant–just parked there–or if someone was being a fucking creep. As I walked, I half expected him to leave. He didn’t.

That fucker’s car was still running, and he was turned all the way around watching MY kids. I tried to make eye contact, but couldn’t see clearly due to the fencing. I paused at the back of the car and memorized the first 4 letters/numbers before thinking it’d be best I find the security guard, who was out there with us. Mr. Creep was apparently undeterred–he remained sitting there, turned all the way around and…watching. In hindsight, maybe that’s not all he was doing. :::shudder::: ::: puffs up like a cat::: :::growls::: Back OFF fuckface!

I found and spoke with security, and as soon as he picked up the Nextel, Mr. Creepy Fucker took off. Keep in mind, the security guard was a good 100ft away from the car, and there were kids everywhere and other teachers mixed in. This guy knew exactly who to look out for, and bolted when he saw him open up his phone.

I gave the partial license plate, and security did get a hold of our truant officer who was just on the other block. Hopefully, he was able to find and stop the guy, but I have my doubts.

Next time, I’m taking a clip board for notes, and my cell phone for pictures. Then I’m reporting to local police to see if it matches any registered sex offenders who are supposed to stay at least 100ft away from a school.

Back the FUCK off, Creep. I may be pregnant out to here, but I will TAKE YOU ON before you get within 50ft of my kiddos.

Audacious fucker. FUCKER!


Alternatively, you could go to Goodwill and get an old, broken but HUGE lens for a camera, and next time it happens you get all investigative on his ass and pretend to be snapping pictures from 10-15 feet away. Make sure he sees you. Pretend to get a few of his face and license plate.

BTW, it is possible it was an estranged parent, or some similar innocent circumstance. Could be. But my mommy/teacher/spidey sense was not giving me that impression. I’ll record the license plate and take pics next time, and let the school police figure it out.


Why pretend? He’s in public, and so has no reasonable expectation of privacy, at least concerning being photographed or videotaped.

Take pictures, get the license plate, and make sure the police know he’s been hanging around.

Is it one person or multiple persons? If it’s multiple, the local police need to be involved.

Well, not many people still own those really big, obvious cameras.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if this sort of thing would stop them if they’re already bad enough to cruise playgrounds. Getting the police involved is probably better.

We had one of the waterslide launch stations right next to the parking lot and our 14-15 year old female waterslide attendants were regularly treated to views of guys sitting 15 feet away in their cars jerking off while watching them. We loved these guys when I worked security. Sneak up next to them from their blind spot and say “Thinking of me big boy?” or something similar. Of course this was AFTER we took pictures/documented vehicle descriptions/plate #'s.

I drive past a school on my way to work and over the summer I noticed they put of some kind of black netting on the inside of the fence around the athletic fields. I guess it’s to make it harder for people to see in without getting really close to the fence.

snowboarder, I don’t want to be conspicuous walking out there with a big camera (although, heck, it could be for yearbook photos or just for the classroom). I want to get them when they think I’m innocuous and don’t bolt to go watch some other middle school PE class. But my cell phone has no zoom, so…hmm. Clip board for writing down the number ought to work in conjunction with cell phone images.

runner pat, I am unsure. Today, it was one person. The 7th/8th PE teacher who was out at the same time said this sort of thing happens “all the time,” and when I asked if it was the same people, she more or less said no. They tend to use the other side of the blacktop and field (far from that busy street, and next to the school parking lot, so more sheltered), so I don’t know if she’s often close enough to tell.

Regardless, I’m out there now, and I’m writing down shit, taking pictures, and reporting it. GrrrrRRRRRR!

FTR–I teach in a low-income school district that has quite the collection of interesting city inhabitants. Going to the Megan’s Law website and entering my school address reveals a scary number of scary people–the right legal distance away by residence, but perhaps not by…recreation.


The guy the OP spotted definitely sounds suspicious.

But I’m reminded of when Mr. S was working as a custodian at an elementary school. One day a neighbor of the school called either the cops or the school (I forget which) to report a suspicious-looking man who had been seen on several days standing at the edge of the schoolyard watching the kids play at lunchtime. The matter was investigated, and the man turned out to be . . . Mr. S, idly watching the playground on his lunch break. IN HIS JANITOR UNIFORM. Duh.

Of course, Mr. S wouldn’t have run off if someone “spotted” him or called him out for being there. He would have said, “I’m the custodian, you mook.”

Are you sure they’re pedophiles? I mean, couldn’t they conceivably be people just watching, not for any prurient reasons? It just seems a little paranoid to get this angry over people who aren’t even doing anything.

The OP did mention that they are also watching the teachers, know who the security personnel are and take off as soon as anyone starts to use their Nextels.

That kind of behavior is suspicious to say the least.

Don’t you know any man who looks at a child at any time for any reason is automatically a pedophile?

Although the people the OP is describing probably really are - the general extreme climate of paranoia makes normal guys not want to interact with children at all lest they be suspected of being the same way.

Yeah, the default setting now is for adult males to avoid being involved with children in any non-necessary capacity. More’s the pity; you can never have too many decent adult male role-models.

But the ones described by the OP do sound rather hinky.

Isn’t Nextel a brand of phone? What’s special about them that you are calling them “Nextels”?

They’re the ones with the walkie-talkie feature, if I am not mistaken.

They have a walkie-talkie function and the OP specified the school personnel were using that brand.

I do really, really hope the guy pulled over to answer his (non-visible, but conceivably present) phone. Or, his child was in there somewhere and he wanted to pause and watch before continuing on to his errand. Or, an estranged parent hoping to catch a glimpse of their child. Or, he was lost and consulting a (non-visible) map. Or…well, anything else than how it felt, or seemed, or could be assumed. Because–pulling over to watch kids play? …Ick. And Grrrr. I hope, really hope, it was for an innocent reason. But writing down the license plate and snapping a photo or two won’t hurt anything should such curious behavior be witnessed again in the future.

GuanoLad, that’s just what my school calls them. Yes, Nextel is specifically just a phone brand name, but at my school they refer to a specific cell phone/walkie-talkie type combo (Nextel brand) that is given to all administration, office staff, security, PE teachers, and others who aren’t confined to a classroom. The Nextels are for easy location and communication.

Perusing the Megan’s Law website, I found 9 registered sex offenders within 2 miles of the school (all on the outskirts of those 2 miles, presumably because they have to stay x-feet away from a school). The first three I clicked on had convictions of continuous sexual abuse of a child, rape by force/fear, and lewd/lascivious acts with a child under 14…ick. Better stay on THAT side of town, misters. Grrr.

Aha. Okay, that makes much more sense, thanks everyone.

Maybe he designs children’s athletic wear for a living and he was just out doing consumer research.