Backwoods Wedding Invitations

I cannot, however, say much about registering at Wal-Mart, since most of our registry was there and at Sears. It was mostly tools; I have some fairly high-dollar taste in kitchen hardware, and our families would have balked. I was afraid that if I put an $80 chef’s knife on my list, someone would have ignored it and bought me a whole set of knives at Big Lots for $24.95–“and they never need to be sharpened!” (Someone did end up getting us this very set of knives this past Christmas.)

However, I trust just about anyone in either of our families to pick out quality tools. Go figure.

DoctorJ in my neck of the south, if said Baptist wedding reception did not include cheese straws the couple was not legally married. Oh and if the happy couple were real renegades, they’d put :eek: orange and lime sherbert in the punch. :eek: The radicals!

Now, a wedding reception and pig pickin’? Those folks know how to throw down! :smiley:

[Miz Beaver from Pogo]

I mind the time me and mister got hitched. Land! Hootin’ and hollowin’ was a dime a dozen. They wasn’t a dry eye in the house - mainly because the sheriffs waded in with the tear gas.

[/Miz Beaver from Pogo]

racinchikki, professional invitations? Fancy!!! At least these were not hand written. They were made on a color printer. I don’t know who “Leeann” is, but her name is on the back of all the invitations.
“created with love
by leeann”
I hope she replaced her ink, though. It was obviously going out on mine. The black letters are looking a bit like faded purple…

lainaf, Great Idea!I am so going to see if they are registered, now! I’ll get a print out and share.

GrizzRich, Holy Crap! I might just have to borrow that!! Would you consider lending it to me? I’ll mail it back, promise.

You all are hilarious!! I am going to go out of my way to make this wedding now!! I am going to go with loads of film!! This will be great!

Oh, Jackie Napples showed me a picture of the bride-to-be from Easter. She is definitely a poster women for Mom of the Year. Nothing says “responsible parent” like a barefoot teenaged mom, cigarette in mouth, holding a filthy little child!! I’ll be getting that one scanned for you guys.

It is now my goal to take a picture that far exceeds the recent booze drinking bride photo! I dont think it will be too hard.

[Trailer Trash Barbie] Daddy says Ahm the best kisser in the county![/Trailer Trash Barbie]

Cheese straws? That’s high-falutin’! Most of the spreads I was subjected to included cake, punch, those abhorrent mints, and, to balance the sweetness with some salt, a bowl of peanuts.

I had probably been to twenty or thirty weddings before I went to one that included booze and dancing and such. I didn’t quite know what to think.

[Four Yorkshiremen] Oh, we would have killed for a redneck wedding! [/Four Yorkshiremen]

You folks are lucky. Our family had the same weddings, just changed the people:
[li] Overlong ceremony (bonus if the vows were also said in Polish or Russian, depending on the side of the family)[/li][li] Ceremony in the Church Hall or the local ethnic club (Polish, Tyrol, etc).[/li][li] Chicken and green beans dinner[/li][li] Polka band, including an accordianist[/li][li] Polka dancing[/li][li] Dollar dance (easy way to get extra cash out of the attendees, beyond what was in the cards)[/li][li] More Polka dancing[/li][li] Top part of wedding cake (the part on the pillars) falls over [I only knocked the table once! I swear! And I was 5, okay!?) But someone always bumped the table at every wedding, and SPLORTCH!! went the cake.][/li][li] Men disappear into the private “Men’s Clubroom” (no wimmen or kids allowed) for beer, cigars, and dirty jokes, or they went to the bowling alley (attached to the church hall).[/li][li] Still more Polka dancing[/li][li] Someone steps on the bride’s veil or dress, yanking her backwards almost on her ass. Usually during a Polka.[/li][li] Polka dancing ends after the 8th rendition of “Beer Barrel Polka”, “In Heaven There Is No Beer”, and a bunch of song titles that I can say but not spell out, since they are in Polish.[/li][/ul]

You must remind your brother and Jackie that in polite backwoods society, skipping out on the wedding doesn’t mean you get to forego the gift. How about getting wallpaper samples from the paint store and hand decorating roach motels? You can never have too many of those.

I must confess that I had a backwoods wedding myself. I got married at the end of a covered fishing pier over a frozen lake surrounded by woods. People stood around in their warm and comfortable clothes – mostly boots and jeans and heavy coats. It was so cold that all of the guests could be considered my “something blue.” The minister was missing a tooth or two and a couple of people were drinking beer. We made up our vows which amounted to a sort of I take you as is attitude. We kissed, people threw Rice Krispies, and the sounds of Pat Metheny’s Are You Going With Me? echoed across the lake and filled up the woods.

How da ya like them napples? :wink:

Bare nipples…hee hee! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like my dad’s third wedding (this one’s holding, so far). Pig in the ground, with the ceremony (and reception) held in the yard behind the trailer they lived in. The justice of the peace married the two of them, with the bride’s mother holding a shotgun nearby just for the effect. Also to scare off the feral dogs and slightly crazed raccoons that wander around the neighborhood.

In contrast to the only other wedding I’ve attended (a Catholic number – stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, kneel, stand up, sit down, kneel, stand up, kneel, sit down), it was a very “Dueling Banjos” experience. The strange thing is that dad is from South Bend, IN, and third wifey is from Cincinatti, OH. Not exactly known as bastions of hillbilly behavior.

DoctorJ you mean they didn’t even spring for mixed nuts? I love an Episcopal wedding. The ceremony is long but the dinner, dance and open bar afterwards more than makes up for it.

screech-owl what, no chicken dance or bunny hop? :smiley:

Zoe not only did you have the dream wedding but you know just the right gift to give. You taste and style maven you! :stuck_out_tongue:

Bambi are you sure the bride’s mother wasn’t trying to stock up the freezer for the winter? :eek:

Bear, you can bring to the wedding a box full of MRE (was that the name?). I’m sure there are enough “rocks or something” to cook them quickly.

The perfect wedding gift for when the 'lectricity goes off in the trailer park!

:: runs out of thread screaming at the memories ::

The horror. The HORROR!! THE HORROR!!!
However, thank OG this was all “pre-Macarena”. :slight_smile:

Ironically, I am having chicken and green beans for dinner. :rolleyes:

Well, that settles it then. Bear_Napples needs to take you to the wedding and request that the Macarena be done. The wedding Macarena is derigeur. :smiley:

I had chicken and green beans for dinner tonight. :eek: Does this mean that there is a wedding reception/dance in our near future? :eek:

Hmmm. Doubt it, unless you (or anyone) can tolerate garlic. Lots of garlic. Mmmmmmmmmm. Garlic. Covers the chicken and green bean taste pretty well. Garlic is yummers.

You mean, cruel person, you! (harmless is hungry! :frowning: )

Ummmmm… an owl eating chicken? Isn’t that kind of cannibalistic? :dubious:

Why do I have a feeling the bride’s wedding photo will look like this?

Eve add a cigarette dangling from the lip and a long neck bud in her hand and it would complete the picture.