Bacon fries

If you make your fries from taters, you really need 2 fryers. One with oil about 325 and one with the oil at 375. Put the fries in the cooler oil first to cook them, and then into the second oil to crisp them up. They can get hard if just cooked only in the hotter oil, and will be mushy if cooked in only cooler oil. At home you can just cook 'em in cooler oil, take 'em out and heat the oil more before plunging them back in to do the twice-cooked deal.

Here’s a Site that mentions this, also says to soak them in ice water, but I don’t and mine are pretty dang good.

QuickSilver, it’s hard to believe I remain a relatively slim dude. To be fair, my diet rarely consists of that type of deep-fried indulgence. That and as much as I love it I tend to monitor my intake of the stick-based and bacon wrapped food groups (although I do a mean bacon wrapped chicken marinated in orange marmalade, soy, ginger, garlic, etc.).

Ino - let’s fleece 'em. I’ll become a state fair/craft fair weirdo for a while. No offense to state fair/craft fair weirdos.

You have had deep-fried cheesecake with whipped cream and chocolate sauce, right, lno? I think you should sell that, too. Not fried in the bacon grease, although now that I think about it you could probably do some kind of maple flavoured doughnut that would taste very nice with the hint of bacon.

I haven’t deep fried Mars Bars or Twinkies in too long.

lard = pig, tallow = beef by the way


Bam - that’s it! Baconated Twinkies! I’ll wrap a Twinkie in bacon, deep-fry it in bacon grease, and it’s off to the races. I could serve it on a stick, too.

All of this from the booth called The Baconator.

Baconated Twinkies and a big beer. Breakfast at the State Fair. Drooooollll…

Hmm. You need to figure out how to get a fried egg into the mix there. Perhaps inject it into the twinkie before bacon wrapping?

You may want to start at the local town fair however. Beef Days, Pork Days, Corn Festival… there’s one in every town in the midwest. The state fairs usually have a long waiting list for vendors. To get into the iowa State Fair you almost have to wait for someone to die.

Actually, you may be on to something…how about something like a George Forman Grill, where you load the bacon in the sides, then press/cook it into your choice of complimentary food…mmmmm, bacon pressed grilled cheese…::drool:: or maybe make BLTs with the bacon on the outside…and how can you go wrong with bacon-sided apple turnovers?

At my favorite bar, when somebody orders a BLT or bacon cheeseburger, they don’t grill the bacon. They deep-fry it. Because of that, all their french fries, onion rings, and tenderloins taste a little bacony. It’s wonderful.

It was about 15 years ago (+/- a year) McDonald’s switched from using lard & tallow to vegetable oil. If you poke around on the net, you’ll find hundred of prospective customers who still lament the change.

Again another vote for beef fat, bacon fat is OK, it sometimes causes a sticky mess (I assume to the sugar in bacon).

Technaically it’s tallow, lard is fat from hogs.

Well, you learn something every day. Lard is indeed pig fat - and lard makes the best fries (except with the possible exception of duck or goose fat, which doesn’t sell for a buck a pound at every grocery store). I love the Baconator Booth idea. All bacon, all the time.

There is a hot dog stand here in Chicago that makes duck fat French Fries on Saturdays. They are to die for.

How about an order of bacon fries, served inside a deep fried chicken, topped with fried egg, chili, cheddar cheese and gravy- on a stick. :smiley:

Oooh, potatoes cooked in duck fat are amazing. Oooh, yum.

I’m still waiting for someone to offer the coup de grace of fattening foods: a chicken fried bacon chimichanga suiza with guacamole and country gravy. Inspired by Sodolak’s, an East Texas place I read about a few years back.

Wow. That’d be a pretty big stick.

The chili would have to go though. Too healthy. Peppers are vegetables after all.

I’m going to start the booth next to yours…

The Baconette Patch[sup]TM[/sup]

Along the lines of the Nicorette Patch, I’ll have to sell detox patches for all of the bacon consumption going on in this thread.

I was raised on bacon grease. A few years ago in a fit of nostalgia, I fried eggs in bacon grease. Blech. I don’t miss it one iota.

:confused: I thought proper pommes frites were cooked in horse fat. Or am I thinking of some other potato dish?

And incidentally, not too long ago (unfortunately, I can’t seem to find the issue) Saveur magazine had bacon as their cover story. I think they had recipes for stuff like bacon tempura and bacon candy.

Dear Homer,

Best of luck with the ultimate potato-frying project.

I’m sure it will be another great and hilarious success. Don’t get too worried by the doctor and his “hee-hya ha ha ha” laugh. I’m sure he really cares.

PS At least you’re not caling them Freedom Fries