Bad, bad, bad Beck is singing and dancing to the same old tune. Or... Back to rehab

Nice to see you back, Beck!

Actually, I do! :wink:

I loves me some fried Catfish !!

Is that true, or is it a euphamism for something, or does @Gatopescado have to worry…?

I love Catfish.

Gato has plenty to worry about.

Ol’Granny don’t mean to hurt his feelings.

I’ll ‘Endeaver to Persevere’



Just another voice adding that we love you, too!

And love your many wonderful stories. Keep 'em coming, even if it’s something totally mundane about Jojo or Bayliss. You’re blessed with a crazy interesting life and a great knack for writing about it! :kissing_heart:

How are Jojo and Bayliss and the rest of the critters? I’m sure they miss you something fierce. Has Jojo’s fur grown out? Does Bayliss sleep with an item that you’ve worn so he can get that reassuring Eau de Beck? How are the Meezers and Betsy Beagle, etc.?

i check this thread often although I do admit when she first appeared I wasn’t sure she wasn’t going to get to last …

Nuf’ said.

Jojo has turned into a lover of all living beings.
Especially Hari.
He’s my first indoor/outdoor cat.
He has a cat flap into the garage.
The two cats clean other, Jojo waits patiently while Hari eats, and recleans her face. They go out and sunbathe for awhile and then go visit barn ‘Cat’. Up to the loft and I imagine they sleep all afternoon.

Bayliss is a bit worried about me. Son brings him to see me and he’s never happy to leave. Mid-dau says he’s alright when they get home.

The meezers, what can I say? Ornery and snooty.
They have some problem every day. Drives people crazy.

Bayliss and Bear have a respectful
truce. Don’t bother each other.

Jojo on the other hand laments Bear and Meeko not being his BFFs. So he’s often causing a bunch of commotion. Hissing and spitting.
He’s all well now. Thick coat of hair and few scars. Other than his tail and one weird ear.

I don’t think I told this. Jojo had to go back to the Vet a week and a half after he had came home.
They were getting the drains out.
They put him asleep and began to dig around for the drains and the vet pulled something and it was a kitten collar with a rusted bell. It was imbedded deep.
They cleaned him really good but left it open.

The Vet says that’s why he
never recommends collars for kittens. Ever.

Betsy the beagle is napping and eating. As usual.

I specifically heard you say you were tired,

Good God. I’ll bet it’ll feel all weird when he wakes up.

“You must love me! Everybody loves me! That’s what you’re all here for!”

OMG. I’m surprised he could breathe. And not surprised his other wounds took so long to heal.

Did he get lost against their will from somebody who did love him? Or did somebody only like cute kittens, and abandon him, still collared, when he turned into a teenager?

whoa! poor jojo. no wonder his neck was so difficult to heal. poor little dude.

i’m glad bayless is able to visit. i bet he is the best nurse when he is there.


The Daughter and The Granddaughters (COTU#1 and COTU#2) found a little whie doggie that had been running the neighborhood for a while. He showed up at their front door and said, “Hey, I think I’d like to live here!”

He was transported to the vet to see if he was chipped (he was not) and they decided to keep him. The vet visit turned into a health check, shots given, neutering, and the vet found a WIRE imbedded into his neck, like someone used it for a makeshift collar.

His name is Anjo.


Poor little thing.

Can I have him?

Maybe after you are safe at home and all your (non-human) loved ones are replete with your love and no longer anxious about you.

Glad to hear Jojo is thriving. And you? Sonic wants to know.

You really are the best thing to happen to so many animals and people.

“I’d like to teach the world to sing…”



“I’d like to buy the world a Coke…”