Bad lines from Great films

Inspired by this thread: Great Lines from Bad films , let’s reverse it!

I used to cringe at:


(But I’ve come to appreciate it as the years have gone by.)

What other lines from great or favorite films make you cringe or fast forward?

“Do you know what happens to a toad when it gets struck by lightning? … The same thing that happens to everything else.” - Storm, X-Men. (Hey, I like the movie!)

Robert De Niro in The Deer Hunter:
“This isn’t something else. This is this.”

“…so run, you curs!”Tombstone

I love that flick, but I always puke in my mouth a tiny bit at that line.

When they’re in the car after rescuing Keanu in The Matrix and he is informed that it’s “their way or the highway” in that super serious tone of voice, I’m always confused as to whether that is supposed to be ironically cheesy or just cheesy.

Whether The Hunt For Red October is a great film is debatable. Compared to the book it’s pretty weak. And coming out in 1990, the Soviet threat was not as chilling as it would have been if it had been released a few years earlier. Still, I like it.

That line always seemed out of place to me.

From A Few Good Men, in the closing sequence, after the verdict has been handed down,

“Attention! There’s an officer on deck!”

Ugh. Pure cheese.

“Great” is over-stating it, but I always cringe during “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” when Sallah tells Indy that Prof. Jones, Sr. is trapped “There, in the belly of that iron beast.”

Oh no, Sallah! Do you think they have thunder-sticks, too?

Arwen’s “If you want him, come and claim him!” in Fellowship of the Ring makes me cringe. It’s better than Neener neener, you dead things!, but not by much.

Ah, he’s just being a bit theatrical; I love that movie. :slight_smile:

For the most part I also like all TLotR, but any line trying to refer to current culture grates annoyingly. Particularly execrable is the line “Nobody tosses a dwarf!” :rolleyes: :smack: :rolleyes: :smack:

Damn. I meant to post that in the “Great lines from bad films” thread. :smack:

This line is repeated on the Indiana Jones Pinball game, in the “stop the tank” mode. My wife hates it, too.

I think its because I best her score by a factor of 100.

In the Two Towers Extended:

“He has my axe embedded in his nervous system

Wow, people in Middle Earth had a good grasp of human physiology!

“I’m ready for anything” -Star Wars