I seen some similar threads that made me think of this. What are movies that you can’t stand but for some weird reason you keep watching them again and again?
The big one that gets me is Batman And Robin. The acting makes me cring; the corny one liners almost made me cry in horror in the theater. But whenever it is on TV or a friend has rented it, it pulls me in and I can’t turn away despite my knowledge of the coming onslaught of a big budget film gone wrong.
I have a vast collection of bad old films that I love. Plan 9 from Outer Space and Robot Monster are probably the best of the worst, but I have a special place in my heart for the Brendan Fraser The Mummy. I still haven’t seen The Mummy Returns, but I’m looking forward to renting it – it looks inspiringly awful, with all that cheesy CGI.
Red Sonja and Xena, I know Xena isn’t a movie but despite the cheesy lines I am somewhat drawn to it. I don’t really find her attractive, because she could kick my ass, but I guess I’m just drawn towards anything having to do with ancient fantasy plots.
I absolutely LOVE Lake Placid and Deep Blue Sea (the one with the biologically engineered super intelligent sharks in the underwater complex). If you haven’t seen either of these films, you are definitely missing out on some funtime. Also, for pure punishment, Greg Araki’s Doom Generation. It’s Rose McGowan’s first movie, and it is UTTER CRAP!!! The writing is terrible, the acting is worse, and PLOT!!! Who needs it when you have Rose getting knocked up every other scene? What gets me is it’s got some rather famous actors in it who I guess were told to act like the worst actors in the world, because there isn’t a decent performance in the entire film. Talk about wantin to jab a fork in your eye. Good times.
I love Batman Forever. Although, it’s more of a nostalgic thing because I was obsessed with the movie back when it came out (I loved Jim Carrey back then). The same reason goes for Jurassic Park. Oh, and a point for Dumb and Dumber.
The Big Easy. Dennis Quaid. Soooooo bad, I love it. Favorite terrible line? Picture this, delivered with complete gravity and a terrible New Orleans accent:
Actually, when I saw this thread, I had just finished watching Clash of the Titans on the Sci-Fi channel. It was the first movie that popped into my head. As technically awful as it is, it’s a classic from my youth, and I therefore am obliged to watch it whenever it comes on.
Reform School Girls, featuring Wendy O. Williams as an inmate, and Divine as the one of the cruelest wardens ever. An otherwise ordinary girls-in-prison movie, it has one of the coolest end credits song ever.
Someone help me here with a title. It seems there is this bad King Arthur movie. I can’t remember anything about it, except that one of the knights … ahem, rapes a woman while still partially dressed in armour. Ouch!
To answer the question, I simply must watch is Top Gun. Oh, I was deep in TommyLust in 1986. Everything about the plot is implausible and Kelly McGillis is totally miscast as his love interest (we always howl, “she’s too big for him!”) at the screen. As an aside, we holler this at Charlie Sheen and Daryl Hanna in Wall Street, too.
But I love it. It’s fun to see Meg Ryan and Anthony Edwards, too; they weren’t so famous back when it was released.
It’s a Wifetime made for TV movie AND it has Tori Spelling in it.
I have this weird thing about Tori Spelling. I don’t find her at all attractive, and yet I find myself strangely compelled to watch her. It’s like she’s not quite human and if I watch closely enough I’ll spot the clue. This used to drive my ex-girlfriend nuts - “CHANGE THE CHANNEL! YOU HATE HER AND YOU’VE MADE ME SIT THROUGH THIS MOVIE 5 TIMES ALREADY!”
Chinese Super Ninjas- A tale of a young lad who learns the art on ninja, so he can exact revenge on his master’s murderer. With three brothers at his side he must get through the various elements of the ninja, in order to get to his target. Each element presents a new obstacle, but his super ninja training and a James Bond-like ninja axe thingy allow him to perservere.
Ahhhh…kung-fu theatre.
Just gets me all choked up.