Bah, humbug!

Continuing the discussion from The bah humbug MMP:

Bah, humbug! Really, like you, just a day to stay in my jammies works for me.

You’re in good company; both Nelson and his mother can’t catch worth a damn. My sister entertains herself throwing cheese slices to land on their heads when she’s here. At least they get a snack out of the deal.

Should you find yourself in need of quilling strips, just message me. I wind up with more of them than I use when I play with paper.

Perhaps there’s a local organization that takes donations to help with equipment for school science labs, art supplies, band instruments and the like.

Miss ya right back bumba! Drop by when you have a couple of minutes.

Yay on the 20/20 yanker!

I haven’t been to anything but an outlet mall for years. I haven’t even been to the outlet mall in about five years, since they closed the one in my old town. That one wasn’t an indoor one, but had a good Lane Bryant outlet, Wilson leather and several sneaker outlets.

I’m about as ready for Xmas as I’ll ever be. Most giving anymore is charitable, so donations are made and the one dirty Santa gift I’m involved with is bought. Holiday cards are out and I don’t decorate, so’s all that’s left is Baking a ham on Christmas day (mostly for the ham bone for the NY black-eyed peas).

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Bah humbug! I dont like the whole christmas cult. Its not Jesus’s birthday and if its secular, why the big deal? Why must everything be closed?