Bah. I Feel.. Uninteresting.

I think I actually bore people. That’s kinda sad.

Especially considering the wackiness locked up in my skull.

I just come off as… bland.

Externalize your wackiness. Wear a clown suit three days a week. Shave the left side of your head. Wear entirely too much perfume.

Whatever people think of you then, it definitely won’t be “bland”.

FWIW, CG, I’ve enjoyed our exchanges in certain geeky threads over in Cafe Society. :smiley:

See, online, I’m less uninteresting. I’m an uninhibited wacky ball o’ fun. But thanks for the compliment, nonetheless.

What you have to do is carry around your laptop, and type out your brilliant wacky retorts. Then show people the screen.

“Look, I’m a wacky ball o’ fun on here! LOOK!” *

  • [sub]Do not taunt wacky ball o’ fun. Wacky ball o’ fun is not to be used by infants, nursing mothers, or penguins. Do not look directly at wacky ball o’ fun or permanent baldness may result.[/sub]

I also have to point out that I find **Gamera ** very interesting…I’d like to meet him in real life.

Note there was nothing dirty about that statement at all. So please, keep your heads out of the gutter.

You might also try to be a little more spontaneous. I used to be thought of as kind of dull because I didn’t have an impulsive bone in my body. I wouldn’t want to do something without planning ahead of time, so I was really predictable about a lot of things.

I kind of loosened up and became a bit more dynamic and spontaneous, and it has made me a little bit more interesting to other people. Learning an instrument helps as well, if it is possible (people are floored at how great I am at the piano, even though I don’t think I’m that hot :stuck_out_tongue: )

Sorry . . . were you saying something?

Yeah, that’s a good portion of the problem…

But I already play the saxomophone.

Both of them?


*slaps *Gamera ** with a cold fish

Just a moment ago, I was posting on a thread about penguins. Why did I write that, I thought as I hit the Post button. Nobody else has any reason to care about, much less find amusement in, your little anecdote. Then I remembered that this board is, after all, all about Sharing Mundane and Pointless Stuff, and I felt better. Then I cast about for another thread where I could write this post, and this seemed like a good place for it. Personally, I have yet to run into a boring person on the SDMB.

And the generic, seemingly sourceless funk deepens.

I just need to turn off my emotion chip for a while.

Sometimes I envy you, Data.

But you probably didn’t when I went out like a chump in Nemesis.

huh! At least you are interesting on the SDMB. I’m bland on all levels of Reality.
Bah! Now I’m bored, irritable and boring.

What we need is beer and strippers. Those two things solve all problems. Always. Even world hunger.

Gets up and does the Samba

You are all the least boring, unimaginative, and uninteresting people I know. Really. :slight_smile:

(Oh, and Ana and CandidGamera need to get a room at some point. :D)

Why? So I can slap him with a cold fish?

Its true Candid. Now I’m new here, but even I can see that your witty remarks can bring a smile to anyone’s face…and make some girls giddy with joy even. Why, if I were a girl…

…I would be a lesbian

Oh-ho, that Anaamika, what a cod.