Now that so many dudes shave their head, what kind of demand is there for Rogaine of Propecia? Of course they are cheap now, but there are side effects. But who gives a fuck now that it is totally cool to shave your head. What about weaves or toupees? What about transplants? Has the demand noticeably declined
Some men, not unlike myself, have magnificently shaped Yul Brunnerish - Captain Picardesqe shaped heads and baldness is for them and their admirers a daily contemplation of perfect cranial geometry and rugged good looks.
Other men have yeti like, conical heads that need some sort of covering in order not to frighten small chilren.
Seriously…the very concept of a rug or toupee is amazing to even consider for any man over 30. I imagine that if someone has been “youthfully handsome” all their life and this is what they trade on and value as central to their being or livelhood (like some actors or entertainers ) it might be necessary to their emotional well being or job prospects to have a rug but for most men I can only think what a ridiculous nusicance it would be.
Baldness is caused by male hormones which make those men incredibly virile and great lovers. (Please help me propagate this information and see if I might have any luck getting laid).
That’s the story I heard on Married With Children when Al and Marcy’s first husband went to the meeting of the Bald American Dudes (BAD).
Hey, I don’t scare THAT many kids.
Only 'cuz you don’t get out much!
Baldness denial is the worst. Bald can be sexy. And even if it’s not, it’s still a lot more attractive than a combover. ::eek::
I think intentional baldness is cool, unintentional baldness is not.
Just my WAG.
I always combed my hair the same way: parted on the left. Then the hair started thinning out, and it began to look like a combover. That just wouldn’t do.
So this ex-hippie, who would dearly love to wear his hair down past his shoulders again, now wears it short so as to avoid looking like a doofus.
Archie Bunker: Grass doesn’t grow on a busy street.
Edith Bunker: Or in cement, neither.
Everyone looses their hair at some point, if they live long enough, even women.
And they hate feeling older.
I once said “life begins at forty” and started dying my greying hair to look more attractive to women.
Now it grows so thin I can’t even do that without looking foolish. So white it is. And if people see a lot of scalp, well, at least I don’t. From a mirror, it’s not visible, only in pictures.
Personally, I wouldn’t mind going bald… It’s a lot easier to take care of. No more shampooing, no more combing, no more haircuts, just a buff and a polish every now and then.
Of course, if my family’s any indication, I’ll keep it until I’m a hundred… Sigh.
I say God Bless those balding men who are bald and proud of it. When I see a balding man with two or more strands of hair slicked over to the side I want to just hug him and tell him to give it up…he ain’t fooling anyone. I love seeing a man who can be bald, kick back and not give a rat’s ass. I’d never admit it to my husband because he’s got a full head of hair, but I think bald can be sexy.
Wonko has it right.
It’s cool to shave your full head of hair.
If you shave your head and your half bald in a day or two the part not balding starts to grow and it looks like a pathetic attempt to look cool.
WTF? At first I thought you meant the HEAD grows. Anyway, I have been bald, except for a few renagade hairs on top, since my early 20’s. I shave it because having hair grow around my head but not on top felt awkward for me. Wearing a hat at night gets old. Fortunately, I have a good head (actually, two heads, hee, hee).
I am still trying to visualize what you are saying. I am guessing the George Michael look where the head and facial hair stays at a permanent 2-3 day stubble. I have that look often, but it is just because I get lazy and don’t shave everyday.